
Welcome to Mr. Culbert's web page.

 On this page you can find all sorts of information.

Check back often as the site is regularly updated (hopefully).

Mr. Culbert

email: fraser.culbert@burnabyschools.ca

email: Mr_culbert@yahoo.ca

Have a Great Summer

Enjoy Your Summer Everyone. Much of the Web Site will be archived for the summer - but some stuff will be left on for AP English 12 Students.

What is English?

English is not just the study of spelling and grammar rules – that is the stuff that operates in the background. More importantly, English is the study of thoughts and ideas – a study of the human condition.

So what then is the human condition? It is the condition of, well, being human. Happiness, sadness, heartbreak, betrayal, revenge, triumph, honour, conformity, love and an ocean more of emotions and states of mind are all ideas that we explore in the literature we study. The study of English is really the study of the world, the study of thought, the study of understanding, and the study of our own mind all at once. It may not be easy, but it is important, and very worthwhile.



At this web site you will find course outlines, some course notes, handouts, and other goodies. Explore away.