Creative Writing 12

Outline for Senior Creative Writing with Mr Culbert


“Sit down to write what you have thought, and not to think about what you shall write.”
—William Cobbett


Welcome to Writing 12 otherwise known as Senior Creative Writing. Writing 12 is an English course focused on creativity and writing along with the writing and creative processes. Throughout the year we will write in many different genres to both challenge ourselves, learn new skills, techniques and ideas, and improve on existing skills. We will also look into presentation in multiple formats of our work, as well as discussion of our work and theory behind the creative and writing processes.


       Throughout the year we will work closely with our peers in the room, so the classroom will be a safe place to engage in creative work and constructive feedback. Commitment to the class and to attendance is very important to help not only you grow as a writer and thinker but to help your peers grow as well. Please attend and be on time for each class.


       Assessment will be on going throughout the year in order to provide feedback for growth. A major part of each term, and the year, will be the completion of a writers portfolio that contains reworked copies of earlier drafts as well as reflections on the learning and creative processes involved in creating the work, and feedback and follow up from earlier drafts. There will be numerous classes to work on material so workload should be manageable with other courses provided you are willing to put the effort into class.


       Some, but certainly not all of the genres of writing that students will be expected to dabble in are;

·   Poetry                                     

·   Short Fiction

·   Script/Screen Writing

·   Children’s Stories

·   Memoirs / Journals

·   Creative Non-Fiction


A few reminders.

·   Plagiarism will not be tolerated. This is a class for you to explore your ideas not attempt to pass off someone else’s ideas as your own. Just as AI generated writing is not acceptable for the same reasons.

·   Be aware of due dates. There will not be many, but they will exist and be for big collections so please be aware.

·   At times we will have writing blocks and they will be times for writing. You will get the best results if you fully engage in the writing activities with an open mind.


I look forward to your great work this year. Write On!


If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write.
– Somerset Maugham