Eng 8 Class Blog 2024

June 21, Friday (87): Last Day

Today was the last day of classes. Best of luck to you all. Remember to read a book and go outside and just put your tech down for a bit - there is a whole world out there in real life.

Signing Off

Mr Culbert

June 20, Thursday (86): Appreciation Letters

Students were asked to write a letter of appreciation to someone and thank them for the help that they have done for them this semester. Hopefully students take this seriously and then deliver the letter to the person they appreciate. 

I also said that students were to plan what they were going to teach me tomorrow. I may not listen to the lesson, but they are to try and teach me something. I was not prepared for the enthusiasm that the students had for this idea. 

Next Class: Final Day

June 19, Wednesday (85): Film Study

We continued with our film study. Three speeches left in block 5 which should be wrapped up before class tomorrow. 

Next Class: Letters of Appreciation and things to take home. 

June 18, Tuesday (84): Speeches - Day 2 / Film Study

We covered a few more speeches in an attempt to get through all of them. From there, students had to finish their community unit learning intentions. Once these were done, we started a film study. We began watching The Princess Bride, and students paid attention to possibly answer questions about the film. 

By the way, it was day seven with phones on the wall and students seemed less distracted.

Next Class: Speeches and continue our film study.

June 17, Monday (83): Speeches - Day 1

Both blocks delivered their community improvement speeches, or at least their speeches. A few misunderstood the topic but delivered a speech, a few were not ready, and a few were not got audience members, but we got through the lions share. 

Next Class: We complete the speeches, and maybe analyze the heroes journey. 

June 14, Friday (82): Finishing work

Word of the day was dénouement. This (fittingly) was our final official word of the day word. 

Students had the block to complete owed work and write the speech for Monday. 

Next Class: Speeches.

June 12, Wednesday (81): Final Provocation and Finishing work

Word of the day was conclusion.

We had our final provocation and it was a strange one. 

Students were given the provocation assessement form and time to fill it out and hand it in along with their provocation sheets. Also they had time to finish the poem from Monday (and yesterday) and any other work they owed me. Remember, speeches are due Monday.

Next Class: Cultus Lake Trip

June 11, Tuesday (80): Working on it

Word of the day was falling action.

Questions were asked about a sheep opera.

Today was a work day for the poem from last day and the speech due Monday. Students had time to complete things. It is amazing how some students do not work. 

Next Class: Our final provocation, and a provocation assessment. 

June 10, Monday (79): Poetry and Belonging

Word of the day was climax.

We fired some questions about our provocation.

Today we took a quick look at poetic structure and talked about the stanza and enjambment, and end-stopping. (see attached power point). From there I gave the following assignment. 

Where do you belong?

What are your favourite places to be, those places that make you feel at your happiest and that this is where you fit in.

From the list you generate this class, choose one. Select one that you feel you can best write about.

Now, think of a poetic device that you recall – this device becomes your go to device. Be sure to use the device at least 4 or 5 times.

Where do I belong?

With a focus on at least one poetic device (used 4 or 5 times) – write a minimum 12-line poem answering the above question. Play with structure – stanzas, line lengths and end-stopping/enjambment. Your poem should have at least one revision visible. 

Next Class: Time to complete the poem and work on the speech.

Poetry – Structure and Form.pptx

June 7, Friday (78): Working Block

Word of the was rising action.

Students had the day to get caught up on work and get things handed in. More old assignments are being closed today so if they are not done, then your assessments go down for not handing these things in. 

Next week we have one more assignment to complete and then start wrapping everything up. Also we will be hanging our phones on the wall for next week as too many students are being distracted by their technology. Crunch time and we need rules.

Next Class: Playing with poetry one last time. 

June 6, Thursday (77): Working Block

Word of the day was initial incident.

Students asked questions on a strange provocation.

Today was a shortened day due to the summer carnival. The block was used to get caught up on work. 

Next Block: Friday working day.

June 5, Wednesday (76): Working Block

Word of the day was introduction

Students were given time to work on their annotations. The annotations were collected but students can have more time next class if they need it. 

Next Class: Working on getting it all done. 

June 4, Tuesday (75): Quiz, Speech, Annotation

Word of the day was plot.

Students were "ravin' " about some questions for our provocation.

We did the poetry terms quiz in which many students did very well.

Students were then given the speech assignment. (see below) - Due June 17.

They were then given the annotation assignment and time to work on it. Due June 7.

Instructions were as follows:


I would like to see how your annotation skills have progressed. 

Task: Pick a short story that we have recently read and give it a detailed annotation. 

Use the rubric to help guide you.

Be detailed, clear, and make many connections. Hand it in with the rubric on which you have self-assessed your own annotation skills. 

Do it well. 

You have the remainder of class time to work on this annotation – You will have next class.

Next Class: Work Time for the annotation.

Community Improvement Speech.doc

June 3, Monday (74): Read and Respond - "On the Sidewalk Bleeding"

Word of the Day was imagery (we have covered all ten poetry term review terms so time for a quiz).

We sailed some questions for the provocation.

Students were given their last read and respond. They were given the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and given the following questions to answer.

1. Who is the protagonist?

2. What is/are the conflict(s)?

3. The conflict is developed through the use of names that apply to the boy: Andy and a Royal. Skim the story to note how the names appear in critical places. What do these names represent? (Andy and Royal)

4. What effect does Andy’s jacket have on the people who find him in the alley?

5. What are the reasons why these people do not help Andy?

6. At what point does Andy realize he is dying?

7. What does Andy do with the last of his strength? How is this important to the theme and to the outcome of the conflict?

8. What is the climax or turning point?

9. What is the police officer’s reaction to Andy? How does this contribute to the Author’s message? What is the author’s message?

Students had the block to complete this. If not it is homework.

Next Class: Poetry Terms Quiz, New Speech assigned, and Annotation assigned.

May 31, Friday (73): Read and Work Day

Word of the day was repetition.

Being Friday we did not do a provocation, and instead students had time to complete the sentence structure quiz, complete owing work, or just read.

Next Class: Read and Respond - "On the sidewalk bleeding"

May 30, Thursday (72): Read and Respond

Word of the day was alliteration.

We worked at couching our questions more delicately for the provocation.

Today, students were given the poem "Remember" by Joy Harjo. They were to read the poem, then come up with theme, and generate five questions then answer three of the questions they generate. They had the block to work on it. The questions and answers are due tomorrow.
Student's were also to hand in their paragraphs that we wrote last class. Anything late will be marked last. 

Next Class: Reading and Work day

May 29, Wednesday (71): Writing Time

Word of the day was hyperbole.

We made up some questions about a Zeb -eroo.

Today was time to write the paragraph that we planned yesterday. Some kids struggled to find their focus, but they all had time to write a paragraph. At this point in the year the bar should be set at proficient, so hopefully that is what everyone is writing at. They were given the rubric in which to self assess as well. 

Homework: Complete the paragraph. Hand in start of class tomorrow.

Next Class: Another look at poetry.

May 28, Tuesday (70): P.E.E. Planning

Word of the day was hyperbole.

We burned through some questions in our provocation.

Today was a lesson on P.E.E. and then time to plan a paragraph for writing tomorrow. The prompt and planning instructions are on the attached document.

Next Class: Paragraph Writing

Are they a community paragraph prompt and planning guidelines.docx

May 27, Monday (69): Read and Respond

Word of the day is personification.

We chipped away at some questions for our provocation.

This class was a read and respond for the story "Once upon a Time". 

The questions they were given were as follows:

Questions for “Once Upon A Time” by Nadine Gordimer

1. What happened in the story? (Make a short summary statement)

2. How is this story like a fairy tale? (write down some notes for yourself)

3. Does this family live in a community? Why or why not? (write down in a rough draft paragraph – try to reference the story as often as possible)

4. What makes a community? (Think about)

5. Bonus: What literary device is being used in this story (when the opposite of the intended outcome is what happens)? Write it down. Check it with me when you are done.

Next Class: P.E.E. Lesson and Paragraph planning

May 24, Friday (68): Poems, Quizzes, and Reading

Word of the day is metaphor.

Students read their poems from yesterday.

We then did the sentence structure quiz again. Finally students had a chance to get caught up on work and do some reading. 

Next Class: Read and Respond

May 23, Thursday (67): Blowing up a Simile

Word of the day (review words) was simile.

We jumped at the chance to ask questions in our provocation today.

We blew up a simile today.  Students made a simile about community. Another student explained the simile. One more student wrote a poem about or with the simile. Next Class we will read out the poems. 

Next Class: Sentence structure quiz, poems aloud, and reading

May 22, Wednesday (66): Word of the Day Quiz

We started with a salty provocation.

It was the word of the day quiz. Students had plenty of time to list as many words as they could today from our word of the day. 

We started on the next activity right at the end of class. Students were to come up with a similie for community. They will need this tomorrow. 

Next Class: We finish blowing up a simile.

Special Entry - Word of the Day Quiz

Use as many of the word of the day words correctly in sentences.

You may not use your word list – go from memory.

Hand it in when done.

We have covered 62 words.

Extending = 40 or more correct sentences and another 15 or more words listed. (total 55 words or more covered)

Proficient = 60+ words listed or 30 or more sentences.

Developing = 40+ words listed or 20 or more sentences.

Emerging = 20+ words listed or 10 or more sentences.

Not Yet = Less than 20 words listed or less than 10 sentences

May 21, Tuesday (65): Defending answers and comparing themes

Word of the day was yoke. The secret message is complete. Only a handful of people found the message. It was not difficult.

We drew up some questions about the provocation.

We started with students having 10 minutes to ensure that they have an answer to the question from last day, and support for that answer, and a theme for the story “All Summer in a Day” written down. We then moved to the agree/disagree continuum and and discussed whether the kids on Venus were a community. Most agreed, and we discovered that we need to be clear in our definition of what community is, though we do not have a agreed upon definition yet. 

The next step was comparing theme. Students started in partners and met and discussed their themes to find the stronger one. From there the duo took their winning theme to another duo and repeated the process. The four became 8, and then gave the winning theme to me. As a class we looked at them both and then looked at the official theme to see how we did and what we can notice. Students seemed to get it this time.

Next Class: Word of the day quiz (see special entry). 

May 16, Thursday (64): Theme and "All Summer in a Day"

Word of the day was rebuke.

We were provoked by education art. (Hopefully)

We looked at how to find theme. I have spoken about theme many times, but here is the formal lesson on finding it. We used The Outsiders as practice. 

Students were then given the story "All Summer in a Day" to read and answer a single question and find theme. The instructions were as follows;

 1. Understand the story.

2. Answer the following question. (on a separate piece of paper) – Are the kids on Venus a community? Be prepared to defend your response with thorough evidence from the story.

3. Write the theme of the story in a single sentence (on the same paper as your answer to the above question).

4. Hand this document in. 

Next Class: Defending your response to the question and clarifying theme.

Note: Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday may 22

May 15, Wednesday (63): Ideal Community Work Block 2

Word of the Day was Assail.

Some American Progress provoked some thinking. 

You have today’s class to complete the following 1 of the three listed assignments that is different from the one you completed last class. 

(You have now completed 2 of the 3 and will hand them in today or next class at the beginning.)

A- A detailed drawing, with colour and labels, of the physical layout of your ideal community.

B- A longer poem (15 lines or more) that uses at least two poetic devices frequently that describes, or discusses your ideal community

C- A well written descriptive paragraph (with a strong topic and conclusion, not in first person) that describes in detail the ideal community.

Next Class: All Summer in a Day. 

May 14, Tuesday (62): Ideal Community Work Block

Word of the day was luminous.

We viewed some horror for the provocation.

Today, students had time to work on the ideal community assignment. 

Ideal Community       Your instructions:

You have today’s class to complete the following 1 of the three listed assignments

A- A detailed drawing, with colour and labels, of the physical layout of your ideal community.

B- A longer poem (15 lines or more) that uses at least two poetic devices frequently that describes, or discusses your ideal community

C- A well written descriptive paragraph (with a strong topic and conclusion, not in first person) that describes in detail the ideal community.

Next class you will choose a second assignment to complete.

I am expecting quality work, so work with earlier drafts completed so as to be higher quality. 

Next Class: Working on the ideal community part 2. 

May 13, Monday (61): Community Intro

Word of the day was ubiquitous.

We got artsy with the provocation.

Today, block 5 caught up with block 6 in starting on the introduction to community (attached below). Both blocks got a chance to think about not only a group or community they felt they belonged to but a place that felt they belonged as well. Block 6 started on the ideal community. 

Next Class: Ideal community. 

Community Intro.pptx

May 10, Friday (60): Reading Time

Word of the day was blasé.

We started with the return of the revenge of the sentence structure quiz. Then it was on to reading time and working time. Be sure to be all caught up and ready for next class.

Next Class: Our ideal communities. 

May 9, Thursday (59): Dream Streets

Word of the day was awry.

No provocation.

Students had a short story read to them, "The Street that got Mislaid". They were then given the following task.

Take out a piece of paper, and on it, write down all the "things" you would need on your street to make it perfect. 

Explain in a sentence or two why each 'thing' belongs in your community. 

Example: Bakery. I must have a bakery in my community because I love fresh bread. It is also important for everyone to have access to fresh bread. 

When done with all the things you want on your street you must answer the Challenge: What does it take to make a community?

Response should be of sufficient length to adequately answer the questions. It can be in any form you wish, though working on your paragraph skills is always a good thing.

Hang on to this as you will need this for Monday's class to make the work easier. 

Next Class: Sentence Structure Quiz, and Reading and Working Time. 

May 8, Wednesday (58): Speeches - Day 2

Word of the day was clad.

We got right to the speeches. Block 5 took all block then we got to the provocation. Block 6 we covered the speeches then started on the lesson we will look at on Monday. 

Next Class: "The Street that got mislaid" and the ideal community. 

May 7, Tuesday (57): Speeches - Day 1

Word of the day was ornate.

We towed some questions along with the provocation. We got the thoughts "moo"vin.

Today was day one of the speeches. There were some great speeches to get us started. Keep up the great work.

Next Class: Finishing Speeches

May 6, Monday (56): Wrap up and Set up

New seats were given. 

Word of the day was vilify. This marks a new set of words in which a secret message is hidden.

We felt some questions as they dribbled out of the minds of students.

First up was to finish watching the film from last day. We spoke about it briefly and about how the story connected to our previous big idea. From there students were given there adversity outcomes and goals sheet to complete and their new unit objectives and goals sheet to fill out. Students were also asked to give back their novels.

Next class: Speeches start. (They were due today!)

May 3, Friday (55): Film Viewing

We did not do word of the day or provocation today.

We continued watching the movie today.

Next Class: New seats, wrap up the old, introduce the new. 

May 2, Thursday (54): Film viewing

Word of the day was audacious.

We tried to bridge the gaps in our understanding.

This class we started watching the director's cut of The Outsiders. This took the whole class. We will be watching the remainder of the film tomorrow. 

Next Class: Finish film. Work Time

May 1, Wednesday (53): Favourite Quotes and Discussions

Word of the day was bountiful.

We lost our heads over the questions for the provocation.

We fully dove into the favourite quote assignment. Students had some time to find their favourite quote and list their reasons why. Then in small groups they discussed their quotes and connected them to plot, setting, character, or theme and wrote it down and handed it in. At the end of class I handed out the more in depth learning profile mentioned on the report card. 

Next Class: We watch the film.

Apr 30, Tuesday (52): Red Dress Week

Word of the day is commemorate.

We used the Red Dress install as our provocation and used it as a spring board into our lesson today on violence and safety and what Red Dress Day is all about.

Block 5 got to a lesson on the novel, block 6 watched a video that the school watched as a whole. 

Next Class: Favorite quote assignment.

Apr 26, Friday (51): Reading and Work day

Word of the day was deface.

Students had time to read and then complete work. 

Next Class: Favorite Quote assignment.

Apr 25, Thursday (50): Getting caught up

Word of the day was excruciating

We questioned some pulp art.

Students had the class to complete the work from yesterday. For those that were done they could get caught up on other work, or organize their binders and stuff. 

Next Class: Friday reading day, and work catch up.

Apr 24, Wednesday (49): Questions Galore part 3.

Word of the day was fend.

We stuck to some questions for the provocation.

It was back to the questions galore activity for the novel. Students were given step two, to answer the questions simply, and state whether it is a good question or not. 

Finally it was step 3. The instructions where put on the board.

Questions Galore part 3

1. Trade Questions Galore sheets with someone new.

2. Choose two higher order questions from the sheet and give detailed responses with proof from the book. (Think long answer or paragraph response)

3. Pick your best answer and indicate which one is your best answer.

4. Hand in.

5. Your response will be assessed based on your grammar and strength of response. 

Next Class: I would love to move on to the next assignment, but I think we will be working on this one for a class more.

Apr 23, Tuesday (48): Questions Galore

Word of the day was gullible.

We frolicked around some gnu (new) questions for our provocation.

I handed out a sheet (see below) that tied our novel study into our questioning skills (provocation skills). Students had time to work on the first two parts of this exercise. 

The sheet from yesterday is also due today.

Next Class: Questions Galore part 3.

The Outsiders Questions Galore.docx

Apr 22, Monday (47): Novel Quiz, and Imagery in the Novel

Word of the day: hindrance.

We fired some questions out for our provocation today.

We started with a novel quiz, I asked some basic questions about chapters 4 - 6. Some students seemed surprised. I had mentioned this quiz last day in class, as well as but it on the web site. Some students have clearly read it, and others (after a month of the novel) have not.

After marking the quiz, students went looking for imagery in the novel. There was a handout (available below) and students got to see the example on one side and then complete the assignment on the back. These are due at the start of next class.

Next Class: Questions Galore

Imagery in the novel.docx

Apr 19, Friday (46): Work Day

Word of the day: Instill

Today, being Friday was time to read and catch up on owed work. The list was up of what students owed and they had some time to work on it. 

I said that they should be done reading the book over the weekend. On Monday we will have a reading quiz up to chapter 6.

Next Class: Reading Quiz, and Imagery in the novel.

Apr 18, Thursday (45): Poem Writing & catch up

Word of the day was jargon.

We examined the art of asking questions.

Students had time today to write the youth metaphor poem today that we started yesterday. See yesterday's post for the instructions.  Students also had time to work on their paragraphs from the previous class if they were not done. 

Next Class: Friday reading and work catch up as well as sentence structure quiz for people who did not get 15 out of 15 on it. 

Apr 17, Wednesday (44): Nothing Gold Can Stay

Word of the day was knell.

We cycled through some questions for the provocation.

Students looked at Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and made sense of the vocabulary and metaphors. They were then tasked with writing their own. They were given the following instructions; Write your own poem where you use nature as a metaphor for something,

Or Use something as a metaphor for youth.

Poem should be a minimum of 10 lines and use at least one other poetic device in it. 

 (Extend your writing – try and use the space on the page to enhance your writing and your mood or feeling in the poem)

Next Class: Working on the poem and ensuring all work is handed in. 

Apr 15/16, Monday/Tuesday (43): Sequencing the murder, and Character paragraph (Double Block)

Word of the day was lucrative.

Our questions took us on a roller coaster of thought for provocation.

First up was the sequencing he murder activity where we figured out what got us to the point of Bob, the Socs killing, adn then changed things up to see where it might have gone. This activity helped us understand the idea of plot and the role it plays in story building. 

The second activity we did in this double block class was as posted below;

The Outsiders Character Paragraph Assignment

In a well written, unified paragraph, with a clear topic sentence (underline it), describe the character you are writing about.

Your topic sentence should have opinion in it.

i.e. do not just say that your character is tough, but that they are the toughest because of some reason. Your paragraph will then describe why they are the toughest, or whatever you choose.

After writing the paragraph, use the rubric and self-evaluate.

Hand in by the end of class.

You may then read the novel.

Sample Topic Sentence;

First Draft: Luke Skywalker is the most childish of characters in Star Wars because of his whining about his life, his complaining about his Aunt and Uncle, and his anger over not getting his way.

Improvement: Because of his whining about his life, his complaining about his Aunt and Uncle, and his anger over not getting his way, Luke Skywalker is the most childish of characters in Star Wars.

Next Class: "Nothing gold can stay" analysis and youth metaphors. 

Apr 12, Friday (42): Grammar and Reading

Word of the day was memoir.

Students had a second chance at the sentence structure revenge quiz. More were successful this time. Then it was time to read and get caught up on work, or work on speeches. 

Next Class: Dealing with the events of Chapter 4 and more. (It is a double block day).

Apr 11, Thursday (41): Review and Drawing a Character

Word of the day was nauseate.

Questions were wired for today's provocation.

We reviewed the unity exercise handed out yesterday. Students seemed to have a good understanding of what belonged in the paragraph and what did not, so now hopefully they apply that to their own writing. 

Next up was the draw a character exercise on the back of a handout from Tuesday. These were handed in when done. While they were working on it I handed back a bunch of work. 

Finally we spoke about the first three chapters from the point of view of structure (plot) and basic events (remembrance on Blooms). On Monday we will be dealing with events in Chapter 4, so please be up to speed. 

Next Class: Reading Friday and the Sentence Structure quiz. 

Apr 10, Wednesday (40): Quiz, Attitude, and Unity

Word of the day was onslaught.

Students confronted some questions for the daily provocation.

We started with a quiz on the first three chapters of the novel. Please make sure you are reading the book.

Next up was an excercise on attitude in sentences. There was a work sheet (available in class). Should be straightforward.

Finally, there was an exercise in unity in writing. The exercise was given and the next day it will be reviewed. (handout available in class).

Next class: Review of unity, and drawing of a character from the story, then reading.

Apr 9, Tuesday (39): Speech Assignment assigned and Character work

The word of the day was pseudonym.

We faced down some more questions for our provocations.

I assigned the first speech assignment (handouts available in class). Speeches will start on May 6, so they need to be ready for that. I spoke about what they need to pay attention to in giving a speech, voice, body language, and eye contact. 

Next up was an exploration of characters in the novel. Students were given a sheet to list the names and details of at least nine or ten characters, though there is space for twelve (Handouts available in class). We will tackle the backside of the sheet later this week. 

I also reminded students that tomorrow we would be having a simple quiz on the first three chapters of the book. You have had 3 weeks to read it. For those still struggling here is the a link to The Outsiders Audio Book on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsCCX3NehgI&list=PLakwS2h7cAoa0XWg3r__ROtqR5P0Qq3qg

I suggest you follow along in your book as you listen. It will build your reading skills.

Next Class: Quiz, and a Unity and Attitude Writing exercise. 

Apr 8, Monday (38): Vocab Quiz and Answers. 

Word of the day was quash.

We faced off against some questions in today's provocation.

Today was the word of the day quiz. This took a chunk of class. Hopefully students did well and demonstrated a growth of vocabulary.

Finally, we looked at some questions about groups for students to answer (included on attached power point) in order to start making connections and having thoughts about our class novel that we will jumping into tomorrow. 

Next Class: Speeches assigned and a look at characters in the novel.

Answers - Outsiders.ppt

Apr 5, Friday (37): Sentence Structure Revenge and Reading/Working Time

Word of the day was rue.

Reminder of Monday's Word-of-the-day Vocabulary Quiz.

We had the revenge of sentence structure quiz today. Students once more have to get perfect to stop writing the quiz. Only a couple people will not be writing it next Friday.

Then it was quiet reading and catching up on work time. Students had time to get caught up on recent assignments or read.

Next Class: Word-of-the-day quiz and we begin talking about the novel. 

Apr 4, Thursday (36): Working on the Highwayman

Word of the day: trepidation

We sailed some questions past each other about the provocation today.

We went back to the poem "The Highwayman" and this time made sense of the poem, as well as found some poetic devices (back of the vocab sheet available in class), and on top of that we checked understanding of plot by mapping out the plot of the story in the poem. All this was due at the end of class.

Next Class: Surprise Sentence Structure Quiz Chapter 2. We try again, and then reading time (and work catch up time). 

Apr 3, Wednesday (35): The Highway Man comes riding

Word of the day was trepidation.

We paddled about some questions for today's provocation.

We began taking  alook at a wonderful poem today. We started with learning some vocabulary that is used in the poem so that we will understand things more. We then tried to use the vocabulary to make predictions about the poem. 

From there we gave a listen to "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes, but sung by Loreena McKennitt.


Next Class we will make more sense of the poem and find deeper understanding and appreciate it from both story and poetic perspectives.

Apr 2, Tuesday (34): Showing and not telling

Word of the day was unilateral.

Word of the day quiz is coming up on Monday, April 8.

We try to swarm our questions around today's provocation. Block 6 had some excellent questions.

Today's task and instructions were as follows;

Task: Write about emotion without saying the emotion.

Step 1: Brainstorm different emotions. Come up with at least 5.

Step 2: Come up with an image or two (describe what it looks or sounds like) for at least 5 of the emotions that you came up with.

Step 3: Pick one emotion and write a paragraph or a scene where in you write about that emotion without ever saying the name of the emotion. Show the persons feelings rather than tell us those feelings.

Example: Mr. Culbert stormed into the room, slamming the door behind him. He stood tall and still and glared at everyone in the room.  (That is just the start – I would write another 5 – 7 sentences at least).

Your turn: Write a paragraph or the equivalent wherein you write about an emotion without ever saying the name of the emotion. Due at the end of class.

Next Class: Some follow up from today, and vocabulary around a poem.

Mar 15, Friday (33): Reading and Working

Word of the day was voracious.

Today, being Friday was kids reading silently and working on work owed. If you still owe me work it is all due after spring break as report cards will be after that. 

Remember over the break to read your novel to make it easier to discuss and work with after we are back in April.

Next class: showing and not telling

Mar 14, Thursday (32): Annotation Skills Redo

Word of the day was wage.

We doggedly bounced around some questions for our provocation.

Today's exercise was to annotate once more. I reminded students that they were to; summarize, question, define words, find devices, find images, make meaning with the poem, and once they had thoroughly annotated it they were to write one sentence that explains what the poem is about. They were to also self assess their own annotation skills on a rubric provided in class. 

If students finished annotating the poem - which we went with the amazing Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" (link below), they could go back to working on their own poem from last class. 

At the end of class I handed out the novel we will be working with after spring break so students could get an early start on reading it. 

Next Class: Reading time and work completion if necessary

Mar 13, Wednesday (31): Composing another poem

Word of the day was xanthic (yes it is reaching for an x word)

We flipped into questioning mode for today's provocation.

We went over the two poems from yesterday to touch base about what the poems are about. Students wer then given the following task;

Write a poem.

(Remember, 1. Start with your idea and write a few sentences stating what you want to say. 2. Focus on the images and expand upon them. 3. Use some poetic devices to help expand your imagery and emotions. 4 Rewrite it a couple times making changes to improve each draft.)

Your topic is the idea of adversity in your life – a challenge, difficulty, hardship, or obstacle that you have faced at anytime in life, big or small. 

Length – minimum ten lines

Must use at least three poetic devices (remember these from the quiz and the lessons).

Poem is due on Friday!

Remember you can play with the different styles of poetry if you wish.

Go for strong images and emotions if possible and play with the space on the page. 

Students had the remainder of the class to work on this. Block 6 had a little less time as we had an earthquake drill at the start of the class.

Next Class: Writing time and Annotation Task number 2.

Mar 12, Tuesday (30): New Unit, Challenge Poems, Hidden Connections

Word of the day was yonder.

We were dogged in our questions and rode them as far as we could for our provocation.

We went over the learning intentions for our new unit of study, and students filled in the stars and goals for them. We then went over the definition of adversity, our big idea for this unit. The definition of adversity is a misfortune, a troubling situation, or hardship.

From there, students were given two poems - Gary Snyder's "Piute Creek" and A.E. Stallings "Daedal" (links below) and were tasked with reading, and using annotation to make sense of the poems and then choosing one poem to write a one sentence (think theme)  statement about.  This one sentence was there ticket out the door (and practice for what is to come. I had to check it and comment on it before they could go. 

Next Class: Brief discussion about the poems and then time to write a poem of their own.


Gary Snyder - "Piute Creek" - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47181/piute-creek

A.E. Stalling - "Daedal" - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/153195/daedal

Mar 11, Monday (29): Wrap up of Unit

Word of the day was Zenith.

We shot off some questions about today's provocation.

Today in class we filled in the starts document that we started at the beginning of the unit and stated if the units goals were achieved. Students then had time to reflect on their learning. The instructions and example were:

Reflection on Learning

Write down at least FIVE things that you have learned in English class so far. Include proof and explanation of it as well as how you feel about having learned it (are you happy, or bored and why). Try to be as detailed as possible.


1.    One thing I have learned a number of new poetry terms. We covered the information in notes, and then a group activity and then we had a quiz on the ten terms we learned. I did proficient on the quiz as there was one term, I forgot about so I did not recognize it. I am glad to have learned these terms because it makes talking about poems and other pieces of writing easier as I now know what things are called. I can see how these terms will be really useful too and I hope to learn more.

The stars and reflection wer due at the end of class. (Many did not get there so they must hand them in at the start of next class.) Some students started on filling out the goals and stars for the next unit.  

Next Class: The stars and goals of a new unit and looking at some poetry and conecting it to our big idea. 

Mar 8, Friday (28): Silent Reading  and Working Quietly

Word of the day was zeal.

Students read for twenty minutes and then had time to catch up on missed work or keep reading. 

Next Class: New Seats, Some wrap up and reflection on what we have done so far. 

Mar 7, Thursday (27): Poetry terms quiz, and provocation assessment

Word of the day was yearn.

We filled in some hollowness with questions on today's provocation.

Students today wrote the poetry terms quiz. Most were up to the task. After we marked it as a class, students then completed the provocation self assessment and wer to hand that in at the end of class - most did. If they had time they could work on any outstanding assignments.

Next Class: Reading and working quietly.

Mar 6, Wednesday (26): Poetry Terms Review

Word of the day was xenophobia.

We skated our way into some questions about art in our provocation.

This class was a review of some poetry terminology. Students were put into groups and went around seven stations and had to determine the poetry device being used at each station and confirm whether some statements (testers) were using it or not. We even tried to come up with examples when we could. We went over the answers at the end. 

This was a good review so that next class we can have a poetry terms quiz and check our understanding of the terms. 

Next Class: Poetry terms quiz, provocation question skills evaluation and the usual work. 

Mar 5, Tuesday (25): Narrative Paragraph Writing

Word of the day was wrangle.

We slid a number of questions around today's provocation.

Today, students had the class to finish the narrative paragraph that we started yesterday. I had signed off on most people's starts and so they got get straight down to writing.  Paragraphs were due at the end of class.

Next Class: A revisiting of poetry terms in preparation for a quiz on Thursday. 

Mar 4, Monday (24): Narrative Paragraph intro and planning

Word of the day was vie.

We crashed into some questions for our provocation.

Today, we returned to the idea of paragraph writing and looked this time at narrative paragraphs. We ran through a power point with some examples (attached below) and then did some planning - which I had to sign off on, before students got down to the writing. The instructions are on the powerpoint.

Students will have next class in which to take their plan and turn it into a narrative paragraph. 

Next Class: Writing the paragraph.

Introduction to Narrative Paragraphs v24.ppt

Mar 4, Monday (24): Narrative Paragraph intro and planning

Word of the day was vie.

We crashed into some questions for our provocation.

Today, we returned to the idea of paragraph writing and looked this time at narrative paragraphs. We ran through a power point with some examples (attached below) and then did some planning - which I had to sign off on, before students got down to the writing. The instructions are on the powerpoint.

Students will have next class in which to take their plan and turn it into a narrative paragraph. 

Next Class: Writing the paragraph.

Introduction to Narrative Paragraphs v24.ppt

Mar 4, Monday (24): Narrative Paragraph intro and planning

Word of the day was vie.

We crashed into some questions for our provocation.

Today, we returned to the idea of paragraph writing and looked this time at narrative paragraphs. We ran through a power point with some examples (attached below) and then did some planning - which I had to sign off on, before students got down to the writing. The instructions are on the powerpoint.

Students will have next class in which to take their plan and turn it into a narrative paragraph. 

Next Class: Writing the paragraph.

Introduction to Narrative Paragraphs v24.ppt

Mar 1, Friday (23): Silent Reading, Silent Working

Word of the day was ungainly.

Block 5 had a nice set of questions about language and English - silent letters and strange spellings like ghoti as fish and what not. Nice to see some curiosity about language. 

Students read quietly for a while and then had time to quietly work on getting caught up.  A few students had another go at the sentence structure quiz as well. 

Next Class: A look at narrative writing, and starting to tell the story of you.

Feb 29, Thursday (22): Postcards Home voice lesson

We started with a a bizarre provocation.

Word of the Day was: tirade

We engaged in the postcards home activity (see attached power point) to explore voice in writing. This way we know when to be formal in writing and when to be more casual. Students had the class to write the three letters. If they finished early they could work on the annotation from yesterday.

Next Class: Silent Reading and Quiet Working

Writers Work Shop - Postcards Home voice exercise.pptx

Feb 28, Wednesday (21): Annotate a poem

We dug into our provocation.

Word of the day was sublime.

I handed out Cree poet Connie Fife's poem Stone Memory and read it aloud. Students were then tasked with he following instructions.

Instructions for reading Stones Memory

This should take you at least 30 minutes.

When you are done, you may complete other work you owe me, or quietly read.

The poem is available below and the rubric sheet is available in class.

Next Class: Voice Lesson

Stones Memory by Connie Fife.docx

Feb 27, Tuesday (20): Read and Respond - "The Open Window"

We lined up our questions and hoped somebunny had an answer in our provocation today.

Word of the Day was renown.

I handed out the short story "The Open Window" and put up the following instructions

We took sometime towards the end to go over the story. I read it aloud and we talked about the characters. Understanding was eventually achieved (I think)

Next Class: Read a poem and annotate.

Feb 26, Monday (19): Word of the Day Quiz, and Inferencing

Word of the day was quell.

We chased down some questions for our cheesy provocation.

Students were given the first Word of the Day Quiz. 

Instructions were: 

Create a list of as many of the word of the day words that you can recall. Beneath the word try to use it in a sentence.

You have a limited time to write this, and you may not use your word list – go from memory.

Hand it in when done.

We have covered 16 words (not counting today). 

After the quiz we looked at what inferencing is. Power Point attached below.

Next Class: We look at a dificult story and use inferencing and annotation skills to make sense of the story.


Feb 23, Friday (18): Reading/Working Quietly Time

Word of the day was preposterous.

Students had the first half of class to silently read, or if they had not achieved a perfect score on the sentence structure quiz then they had another chance.

The second half of class students could either continue to read or they could work on assignments that were owed. I even put a list on the screen of assignments that had not been handed in yet as a reminder. Students know who owes what still.

Next Class: Word of the Day quiz and looking at inferencing.

Feb 22, Thursday (17): Writing Time

Word of the day was overt.

Students rocked some questions for the provocation.

Today was writing time for the paragraph started yesterday. Students were to hand in their paragraphs by the end of class. I will follow up during reading time with those that did not finish.

Tomorrow, students who did not score perfect on the sentence structure quiz will write it again to try for perfect. 

Monday there were will a word of the day recall quiz.

Next Class: Reading time and work time.

Feb 21, Wednesday (16): Paragraph Beginnings

Word of the day was nuance.

Students "fired" off some questions for our provocation.

We then went through the power point writers workshop on basic paragraph writing. The power point is attached below. We will also have future lessons on P.E.E. and on topic sentences. Students were then given the following instructions;

English 8

Paragraph Writing

Topic: Explain what type of person Andrew or Earl is from “What I want to be when I grow up”.


This is a first draft. First Drafts are never perfect, but they are more perfect than a blank page.

You will have time next class to complete your paragraph or do some re-writes. 

Paragraphs are due ___End of Class on Thursday_______

Next Class: Writing Time

Feb 20, Tuesday (15):  Stereotypes and you

Word of the day was muster.

We dipped our toes in a pool of questions for the provocation. 

We looked at stereotypes through a power point (attached below). We defined them, connected them to the world, connected them to literature, and connected them to ourselves. This last part involved writing a "Just Because" poem that involved students looking at how they have been stereotyped. (Handouts available in class). The poems are due tomorrow. 

Next Class: Paragraph writing lesson and planning.

Stereotypes v2.ppt

Feb 15, Thursday (14): "What I want to be when I grow up"

Word of the day was languish.

We served up some questions?

Today, students read Martha Brook's short story "What I want to be when I grow up" and used their new found annotation skills to make as many notes about the characters as they could. From there they fill out the character webs on the back of the story. (Stories available in class). The goal is to really get an understanding of character.

Next Class: A lesson in stereotypes

Feb 14, Wednesday (13): Terrible Love poems and Character Notes

Word of the day: Ken

We carried some questions with us for the provocation.

We started with writing some terrible love poetry in honour of the day. Some fun was had and some sly practice of our skills took place. 

Next up we looked at the power point attached below and learned about characters in stories. This is important information as we will need this frequently, including next class. 

Next Class: Reading a story and looking for character information. 

Characters In Literature v2s.ppt

Feb 13, Tuesday (12): Bringing the Roads back together through annotation

Word of the Day: Jurisdiction.

Both started with a trainload of questions for our provocation.

Block 5 had the lesson the block 6 got yesterday. They learned how to annotate and then had a chance to practice annotating by reading a short story titled "The King of Beasts". All handouts are available in class. 

Block 6 continued the lesson from yesterday. We looked at the story and made sure we all had made sense of it. I showed some sample annotations. Students then had a chance to do the following: 

2a. You also need to think of 4 to 5 open questions that you would like to ask the scientist from the short story. You want to know more. 

2b. After you write the questions down, figure out where the question fits on Bloom’s Taxonomy (what level of thinking is each question?). Try for a variety of levels, but make sure at least half are higher-order type questions. 

The two blocks are now closer to being back in step.

Next class: Character Notes

Feb 12, Monday (11): Split in the road 

Word of the day: Imperative

Block 5: Had course selection which ended up taking the whole block. They got a brief provocation.

Block 6: They did not have course selection so it was class as normal. We covered the word of day and then learned about annotation. Students had a chance to practice annotating by reading a short story titled "The King of Beasts". All handouts are available in class. 

Next Class: Block 5 gets the annotation lesson. Block 6 may take annotation a little deeper. 

Feb 9, Friday (10): Quiz 1 - First attempt and Reading/Working Time

Word of the day was haggard.

We jumped right into the sentence structure quiz. Some students did very well all on their own. Some may have done very well not all on their own - time will tell. Once the quiz was done and mark students had time to silently read, or to work on their poems that are due today. 

Next Class: Annotation, and Course Selection Presentations

Feb 8, Thursday (8): Review and Writing Time

We crashed right into our provocation.

Word of the day was gaunt.

We had a surprise review of our poetry terms. Students were asked to write down as many as they could remember. We then went over them. This is a good reminder to students as to what they know and how much more they need to learn.

Then students went back to working on their poems. They had time to write. The poems are due at the end of tomorrow's class. Remember, at least ten lines and use poetry devices. 

Next Class: Sentence Structure Quiz attempt 1 and Reading Time

Feb 7, Wednesday: Mountain Madness

No regular class day today. It was Mountain Madness in the gym. Go team Red!

Next Class: Working on Poetry

Feb 6 (7), Tuesday: Creating  a Poem

Word of the day was fallacy.

We then talked about jumping into the provocation and sinking our understanding into the "hole" image. 

Finally we looked at how to create a poem. I took us through a power point (attached below) that took us from idea generation, to writing and revising. Students then had time to follow the steps and come up with a poem. We will work on the poems more on Thursday. 

Next Class: Mountian Madness (remember to figure out what colour team you are on and wear that colour, and then cheer for Red because that is what team I am on, hahaha.) Block 5 come to class at the start, Block 6 find me at the start of class in the gym.

How to Write Poetry v24.pptx

Feb 5 (6), Monday: Poetry Terminology

Word of the day was eccentric.

We asked questions to see if we could get the "hole" story today in our provocation. I "dug" where the questions were going. 

We then started to learn about poetry terminology. The power point of the ten terms we learned (or reviewed) today is attached below. These ten terms are to become familiar enough that they are green lights for students, or students are knowledgeable of them that they can identify and explain them. 

Next Class: Students begin writing a poem, after figuring our how to. 

Poetry Terminology.ppt

Feb 2 (5), Friday: Sentence Structure quiz and Reading Time

Today's word of the day was discern.

No provocation today, instead we jumped right into our sentence structure quiz practice. Students went through the quiz and then we marked it. Next week we will write the quiz for real and remember - only 100% is a pass, so you will keep writing it until you get 100%. 

After we went through the quiz it was time for silent reading.

Next Class: Provocation and Poetry terminology

Feb 1 (4), Thursday: Sentence Structure lesson

Todays word of the day was chastise.

Our provocation had students howling out questions, and riding our thoughts to some higher order thinking.

We then jumped into a grammar and sentence structure lesson. We went through the attached power point (below) and learned about SVO structure and using pronouns and other parts of speech as well. From there, students were given a grammar worksheet that they could work on to prepare for the practice quiz tomorrow. A copy of the sheet is posted below along with the answers so students can check their work. 

Next Class: Practice Quiz, and Reading Time

Writers Work Shop - Sentence Structure.pptx
Grade 8 Grammar Worksheet.doc
Grade 8 Grammar Worksheet Answers.doc

Jan 31 (3), Wednesday: Regular business and a trip to the library

Today's word of the day was benign (see Word of the day page for details).

We had a provocation and students climbed up to generate their questions, and 'heeled' in some higher order thinking. 

Finally, we headed down to the library to get books. Fridays are silent reading days so books are needed, plus they are an important part of education, learning, and mind health. "Kids who read are kids who succeed." When students got back they read for a bit.

Next Class: What makes a sentence, and some grammar work. 

Jan 30 (2), Tuesday: Words, and Blooms, Provocations, and Intentions plus Goals

We started with the word of the day. Today it was adept. See the vocabulary page to get the meanings and usage. 

Next up was a quick web site tour to see where to find this sight, how to navigate it and what we will find there. I try to make it as helpful as possible so please use it. 

Then we moved onto Bloom's Taxonomy (we learned what a taxonomy was), and learned about the different levels of thinking. This lead to the first provocation. An image was shown, and students generated questions about the image. We then heard some of the questions and students got a chance to determine what level of thinking their question was. Good practice for our critical thinking. (Handouts available in class).

We then took a quick look at the learning intentions for this first third of the course and students self assesses where they are at the start in their understandings and set some goals.

Next Class: Provocation, Word of the Day, and a trip to the Library.

Jan 29 (1), Monday: Welcome

Opening Class. Welcome. There is a seating plan.

We went over the course outline and expectations. This should cover most questions about the course and offer some tips to help towards success. 

Next up was a survey designed for me to get to know you. The students were to write down theri responses and then hand them in. The questions were as follows;

1. Name (what you are named as well as what you prefer to be called)

2. Birthday

3. A Favorite Fictional Character (can be literary, comic, cartoon, or film/tv)

4. Tell me something about you that you are proud of.

5. Tell me something about you that you think is important for me to know.

6. Favorite movie genres and music type

7. Tell me a hobby/interest/sport that you do

8. What is your dream job?

Next Class: Word of the day begins, Blooms Taxonomy and Questions and Intentions