Sign Me Up!!  CTAM Membership Sign up and Renewal is done annually with the CTAM Conference (you sign up for membership and conference fees at the same time!!) Here is a link to the google form for 2023! 

Welcome to one of the most active state communication and theater associations in the nation.  We hope you enjoy the professional and educational aspects of the association for many years to come. CTAM provides a unique support system for all communication and theater teachers representing small and large schools, elementary through high school, junior and senior college and universities.  As a result of this bonding, the sharing of ideas, knowledge and philosophies benefits all members and communication and theater students throughout Minnesota.

We hope you will become active in helping the Association continue to grow as a service organization for the state of Minnesota.  It will be through your efforts that future students, teachers, and professional colleagues will achieve their goals in communication and theater appreciation and participation.  On behalf of the Association, welcome to the family.


If you are looking for professional development or for useful information to apply to your work, you will find it in the conventions workshops, programs, and meetings, or among members who are academics, consultants, or in other professional communication and theater positions.

If you are seeking to network with colleagues, you will find new friends and professionals in CTAM who share a common background and set of goals.  Frequently in secondary programs, the communication and/or theater teacher is the only person in that field on the campus.  With CTAM contacts, that teacher is not alone.  CTAM colleagues are excellent sources of information and support.  For those in higher education or in the private sector, CTAM also serves as a vehicle for collaboration, enrichment, and discussion among peers.


The Association has been active since the 1950's when the formal recognition of the Speech Association of Minnesota (SAM) was formulated.  Since that time, it has continued to work with the Minnesota State High School and other professional organizations to promote communication and theater activities and educational goals in the state of Minnesota.

CTAM actively influences academic programs at all levels of instruction.  Members have work for the maintenance of rigorous certification standards and high levels of research.  Many contribute on a national level as well.  In addition, CTAM has worked to implement and sustain strong ethical practices.  The organization has been instrumental in the proposal and advocacy of communication and theater classes and activities in elementary, secondary and high education.  Its officers and members continue to work closely with state officials on drafting curriculum standards in the developing changes facing education in Minnesota.

Annually, CTAM publishes a scholarly journal, newsletters and a directory of its membership.  Over the years, the CTAM Journal has continued to win national recognition as the outstanding Journal publication.  Some individual members have written outstanding articles published in national journals, serve as officers and members of national organizations, and provide help for their colleagues in all areas of education.

As with most state organizations, much of CTAM's functioning can be seen at the annual state convention.  The convention features exceptional programs for the many interests of the organization, meetings, a luncheon, and speakers.  The keynote speaker, typically an individual who has achieved major status in the profession, is chosen by the convention planning committee.  CTAM is healthy and promises to enter the 21st century stronger than ever.


You become involved by becoming a member.  It is the membership of the association that makes it strong, and members provide the leadership and direction of the association.


If you would like to have a particular program at the convention, you can submit your idea to the convention planning committee (the President-Elect is the Chair) either at the convention or as soon as the call for the next year's convention is announced.  There are deadlines, which are usually in the newsletters.  You may wish to be a participant on a program or the coordinator or moderator.


Sites:  Convention sites are determined one to two years in advance.  An attempt is made to rotate the locations around the state so that all individuals have the opportunity to attend a convention that is located in their area.  Generally the convention is held every other year in the Metro area, and then in the other years, it moves from north to south locations in Minnesota.

Time:  The traditional time is the Friday and Saturday of the third week of September.  The dates may change at times to avoid conflicts with other events.


President-Elect is elected by the membership to hold that office for the ensuing year. The person elected is in charge of the convention program for the next year.  That person then becomes President in the second year and has all the normal presidential responsibilities including the appointing of members of the Board of Governors.  The presidential nominations alternate each year between a college/university member and a secondary-elementary member, thereby insuring a representation by both groups.

The Secretary and the Treasurer are elected for two-year terms on an alternating schedule. The Secretary is the clearinghouse for all information pertinent to the Association. The Treasurer takes care of all the financial accounting for the Association and is in charge of processing the memberships.

The Journal Editor is responsible for the publication of the CTAM Journal.

The Newsletter Editor is responsible for newsletter publications.

The Board of Governors, appointed by the President, represents various interest groups in communication and theater, as well as various regions of the state.  It is their responsibility to provide input to the Executive officers of the association to help in the leadership and direction of CTAM as well as to provide program ideas and development for the annual convention.


Minnesota Debate Teachers Association:  This organization is composed of those individuals that have a vested interest in argumentation and debate activities throughout the state educational system.

Minnesota Speech Coaches Association:  This organization is composed of those individuals that have a vested interest in the promotion and activity of individual speech events throughout the state education system.

Minnesota Education Theater Association:  This organization is composed of those individuals that have a vested interest in the promotion and activity of theater events and productions throughout the state education system.

Individuals may join any of these affiliated organizations by paying the membership fees at the same time they join CTAM.


Some members have no difficulty with administrative funding; however, for the many whom do have difficulty, there are some avenues to try.


CTAM has two representatives on the NCA States Advisory Council.  Although CTAM has no formal affiliate relationship with other organizations, all organizations actively work together.