CTAM Awards 

Applications for the 2024 Conference 

Past Award Winners and past conference programs are available here:

2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

CTAM sponsors five major awards for its membership.The awards are listed below. Please click the links below for a description and online nomination form for each award.  

Outstanding Individual in Communication and Theater Award

Recipients are recognized at the annual CTAM conference. 

Outstanding New Secondary Teacher Award 

The award recognizes outstanding new secondary teachers in Minnesota in disciplines serving the interests of the organization. Nominees must be in their first five years of full-time teaching of speech communication and/or theater at the middle-school or secondary level. 

Recipients will be recognized at the annual CTAM conference. 

Outstanding New College Teacher Award 

The award recognizes outstanding new college/university teachers in Minnesota in disciplines that serve the interests of the organization. Nominees must be in their first five years of full-time teaching of speech communication and/or theater at the college/university level. 

Recipients will be recognized at the annual CTAM conference.

Outstanding Adjunct Teacher Award

The Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota (CTAM) shall recognize outstanding adjunct instructors in Minnesota in disciplines that serve the interests of the organization by awarding each year one or more "CTAM Outstanding Adjunct Teacher Awards." An adjunct is any faculty member who is not in a probationary or tenured position. Recipients will be recognized at the annual CTAM conference. Prior recipients are not eligible.

CTAM Larry Schnoor Emeritus Award

The CTAM Larry Schnoor Emeritus Award was created in 2021 to honor the lifetime of service of Larry Schnoor.  Not only was he a leader in the development and growth of The Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota, after retirement he continued to be actively and closely involved.  In addition to serving as Treasurer of CTAM for years, he continued to mentor and advise those in the field.  Larry has been a true friend to all in CTAM. In the spirit of Larry's service in retirement, this award was created to recognize those who likewise continue to give of themselves even after ending their active teaching career.  

A nominee for the Larry Schnoor Emeritus Award should be a person in retirement who has continued to support the Speech and Theater Education community in Minnesota in some notable and substantive manner.  One or more recipients of the CTAM Larry Schnoor Emeritus Award may be  selected each year. There is no assumption, however, that this award will be given every year. Recipients are recognized at the annual CTAM conference.