CTAM Journal


The Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal (CTAMJ) is seeking manuscripts. The journal, which went to an online-only format in 2007, welcomes theoretical and applied articles and teaching suggestions from theater, communication and forensics professionals from all levels. Manuscripts may be submitted for one of two sections: general interest research and essays, and the Teacher's Workbook. Please clearly indicate for which section the manuscript is intended. Contact the editor concerning book review proposals.

Authors should submit an electronic copy of their work as a Word document by e-mail to the editor. A separate, electronic title page should include a 100-125 word abstract, author's name and professional title, job title, the institutional affiliation of the author(s), a post office mailing address, and an e-mail address. Author identification should be removed from the manuscript itself for review purposes. Any past history of the manuscript (e.g., presentations at conferences) should be noted as part of the submission. All manuscripts should be prepared according to current APA or MLA guidelines. Authors are reminded to keep the Journal audience in mind: students and teachers at the high school, community college, private college, and university levels.

E-mail manuscripts and questions to Dr. Bradley Wolfe, Editor, CTAM Journal, bradley.wolfe@ridgewater.edu


The Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal (CTAMJ) is the scholarly journal of the Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota (CTAM). The journal is an outlet for articles related to issues of discipline-related importance including articles discussing innovative teaching methods. All theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome.

CTAMJ encourages contributions from scholars and practitioners, who comprise all segments of the journal's readership, including K-12 educators, graduate school, community college, and college or university groups. The journal welcomes theoretical and applied articles from both the theater and communication disciplines. Capable scholars in the appropriate field will blindly review all general articles.

No work will be accepted or rejected purely on the basis of its methodology or subject. Author sex, race, ethnic background, geographical location or work affiliation (secondary/college level, department, etc.) of the author(s) are never considered in making editorial judgments. The demands of the disciplines of speech communication and theater are key factors in the editorial judgments made. All editorial decisions attempt to balance these demands with the needs and interests of the journal's readers.

The journal is guided by three key principles:


CTAM encourages scholars to use and make reference to work published in our journal. Scholars may quote, without permission, in order to document their own work. CTAMJ assumes each scholar shall be responsible in acknowledging and properly documenting such uses. Teachers may reproduce and distribute, free of copyright charges, portions of this journal solely for educational purposes. Any reproduction and distribution must acknowledge in writing the Journal as the primary source of the material.