CT Topics

Modeling and Simulation

Modeling is the process by which scientists represent ideas about the natural world to each other, and then collaboratively make changes to these representations over time in response to new evidence and understandings. Models are used to represent a system (or parts of a system) under study, to aid in the development of questions and explanations, to generate data that can be used to make predictions, and to communicate ideas to others. Scientific models can take many forms, which sometimes overlap and can be present in a single model.

Types of Scientific Models

  • Diagrams: pencil and paper drawings.
  • Physical replicas: a 3-D representation of an idea or concept.
  • Mathematical models: formulas and expressions that use algebraic concepts (typically saved for high school, but there are certainly hints in earlier grades).
  • Analogies: comparing one (less known) phenomenon to another (more well known). All children learn to use analogy in play and language. Everyday language is often rich in analogy and metaphor which are effectively verbal models for explaining phenomena.
  • Computer simulations: programs that demonstrate physical phenomena and/or generate simulated data developed using existing data from observations of the natural world. Digital models and simulations are useful to help students explore and test ideas and concepts beyond what they are able to depict or observe directly.

Scientists devise ways to test competing models and engage in arguments about them. New findings may support or contradict existing models. Models are created, revised and sometimes rejected. They are both explanatory and predictive.

Students too can be expected to evaluate and refine models through a cycle of comparing their predictions with the real world and then adjusting them to gain insights into the idea or concept being modeled. Students should also consider the strengths and limitations of their model.

The goals for working with scientific models is to understand how the model represents a real-life system. When engaging in CT concepts, that underlying definition is consistent, but the way one develops and interacts with physical models versus digital models can be quite different. In the elementary grades, the goal is to lay the foundation for this difference.

Goals for Elementary Teachers in Using Physical and Digital Models

  • ensure students have experience and understanding of the roles of a scientific model of any kind
  • have students interact with digital models that are simple enough to understand
  • use digital models that are directly connected with hands-on activities students have already done
  • only introduce digital models if they are robust enough to demonstrate the value of producing and using a digital model over relying on direct observation or a physical model

Schwarz, Reiser, et. al. (2008) identified a learning progression for scientific models. This model works both for physical and digital models, although best practices are to have students some experience with a physical model, where possible, prior to using, modifying, or creating a digital model.

  • Students construct models consistent with prior evidence and theories to illustrate, explain, or predict phenomena.
  • Students use models to illustrate, explain, and predict phenomena.
  • Students compare and evaluate the ability of different models to accurately represent and account for patterns in phenomena, and to predict new phenomena.
  • Students revise models to increase their explanatory and predictive power, taking into account additional evidence or aspects of a phenomenon.

Referring to the learning progression for scientific models outlined above, a high-level sequence for developing a digital models would include

  • Students perform controlled experiments.
  • Students construct, evaluate, and revise physical models.
  • Students use, modify, and/or create digital models from evidence they gathered from the physical model.
  • Students compare digital models, physical models, and the original phenomena that the models represent.

Digital models typically represent quite complex systems, and is most likely beyond the capabilities of younger elementary students. However, it is very useful to have even younger students interact with digital models, and allowing them to explore (and asking them to explain) that using digital models provides both benefits and potential drawbacks: they allow exploring scenarios that may be difficult or dangerous to observe or replicate physically (experiments with large populations, over large periods of time, etc.), but are as good as the programming, and can thus represent unrealistic combinations or scenarios (such as incorrect gravitational forces, or having carnivores eating plants).

Best Practices for Models in Elementary Science Activities

Some Best Practices for including scientific models in an elementary science unit, including both physical and digital models, are:

  • Students should engage in hands-on experiences before moving on to digital simulations.
  • Digital simulations should match hands-on experiences as closely as possible.
  • Allow time for students to share their models with one another.
  • Ask students: What makes sense in this model? What doesn't fit?
  • Have students gather more information through research and reading.
  • Based on feedback and continued learning, have students make changes to their model.
  • For more advanced levels, students should be able to evaluate a given model—can they articulate why or why not the model explains something? Can they make suggestions to improve the accuracy or sophistication of the model.