CT Topics

In grades 3-5, students create more sophisticated algorithms. These algorithms may include a number of simple loops or repeats (such as "perform this step 5 times"), and can start including decisions (if-then branches). They can test these algorithms by performing the steps (or acting them out), and fix any steps that don't work.

Grade 3 Math: Fractions

Students encounter input-output machine imagery to see steps in some interesting algorithms that involve fractions.

  • Students use function machines to identify operations
  • They link together multiple machines
  • They compare different machine constructions that produce the same results

Grade 5 Science: Water Cycle

  • Students start by following Jay Z in Africa and meet a girl who walks hours to get water for her family. They play a game that allocates water based on “wants” and is first come first served.
  • The students will be introduced to Star Logo Nova block-based programming language. Students try out a few simple project to get familiar with Star Logo Nova commands and then explore the Water pump simulation.