Cristian Ortiz 

Professor at IME-USP

Contact Information

Institute of Mathematics and Statistics 

University of Sao Paulo 

Department of Mathematics

Rua do Matão 1010

Cidade Universitária - Butantã

05508-090 São Paulo - Brazil

Phone: +55 11 30916273

Office: 290 Building A - IME-USP


Who I am and what I do 

I am a Latin American mathematician, born in Santiago-Chile and currently living in Sao Paulo-Brazil. I am a Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics of IME-USP, the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at University of São Paulo.  

My research area is Differential Geometry with focus on higher geometric structures and connections with Mathematical Physics. More information about my research can be found here

Since 2021 I am a CNPQ Research Fellow PQ-1D and also an Affiliate Member of the Academy of Science of the State of Sao Paulo - ACIESP

I am a member of the Geometry Research Group  of IME-USP. Also, I am the leader of the research group Higher Differential Geometry which makes part of the CNPq Research Groups Directory.

Short CV 

I received a PhD degree in Mathematics from IMPA in April 2009 under the supervision of Henrique Bursztyn. I also had a postdoctoral position at IMPA from April 2009 until July 2010. 

In 2010 I received a Junior Research Fellowship from ESI - The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, in Vienna, Austria. Also, during January and February 2012 I was a fellow of the “Summer Postdoctoral Program” of IMPA.

Additionally, during my doctoral studies I spent six months as an MRI fellow within the Master Class Program “Symplectic Geometry and Beyond” at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. 

Previously, I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics at University of Chile in Santiago, where I am originally from.