Resources from Karen Bosch

My many years of sharing student projects and resources on my "Elementary APP-titude" and "Middle Pages" blogs were lost after I retired and my blogs were deactivated. However, I am working to restore the blogs on Wordpress. Please note that images may be missing on many posts and some of the formatting may be a bit wonky.

Middle Pages Blog

Elementary APPtitude Blog

My middle school multimedia students all had learning blogs at Kidblog (now called Fanschool). You can view many of our projects there. Here are links to the most recent blogs:

Kidblogs 2021

Kidblogs 2020

Copyright- All Rights Reserved

You are welcome to link to any of the pages or resources on these pages, but please give attribution to Karen Bosch. No permission is required to link to my resources.

You are not to use or distribute any parts of it (the text or the graphics) in another presentation, on a webpage, or in another work without permission from me.