MS Photos auto-saves as you work, but when your project is complete, you will need to export it as a finished video.

1. When you have finished editing your video and are ready to save the final version, click on “Export or share…” in the top right hand corner of the main MS Photos screen:

Screenshot of the export or share button in MS Photos.

2. You will be prompted to select a file size for your video, choose “L – Longest upload, best for big screens”:

Screenshot of the export options window in MS Photos. The "L - Longest upload, best for big screens" option is highlighted

3. You will see a progress window appear. Do not be alarmed if your video takes up to the full length of its running time to export (e.g. a 2 minute video might take 2 minutes to export):

Screenshot of the export progress window in MS Photos.

4. Once the export is complete you will see this window and have the option to view the video, view the file in its location, or share on social media:

Screenshot of the final save window in MS Photos.

you are now ready to upload your video!