Adding Text

To add on screen text to your video:

1. To add text to an image or clip, select it, then click on the “Text” button:

Screenshot of the Photos app with the "Text" button highlighted.

2. Enter your text into the text entry box (A), select an animated text style (B), choose a layout that suits he framing of your image or clip (C), then click on “Done” (D).

Screenshot of the "Text" page in MS Photos. The text entry box, animated text syle, layout, and "Done" button are highlighted.

2. Enter your text into the text entry box (A), select an animated text style (B), choose a layout that suits he framing of your image or clip (C), then click on “Done” (D).

Screenshot of the "Text" page in MS Photos. The text entry box, animated text syle, layout, and "Done" button are highlighted.