CW minutes 2024
The Hurst, Bosbury Road, Cradley
Present: Linda B (chair), Jessie M (treasurer), Clare G (secretary),
Patrick F
Apologies: Bill vM
1. NATURE QUIZ AND SOCIAL, 9 January 2025, 7-9pm, Village Hall
The following action points were agreed:
* Committee members to arrive at 6.30pm to help set up. LB, CG, PF
* Email to be sent to members in January, reminding them of the event and asking for a RSVP. CG
* Guests to bring their own bottles and food to share. We will also supply tea, coffee, snacks and apple juice. LB, CG
* Prize to winning team: four bottles of apple juice or cider. CG
* Celia to be asked re music. LB
* Car park availability to be checked. LB
* Ken N to advise re cost of hall. LB
The idea behind this was repeated: 110 containers to be filled with pollinator-friendly plants – wildflowers and otherwise – each to be numbered (possibly with schoolchildren-designed numbers. Campaign is to celebrate the WI’s 110th anniversary. CW to act in an advisory role. Other local groups eg church, school, surgery, scouts, British Legion to be involved wherever possible.
It was agreed that a meeting with Sue and Pam from the WI to be set up asap. We need to establish how much money to donate/how much the WI are contributing, who will do publicity, when is meeting to sow seeds, where to source compost etc Action needed pronto as deadline for the Newsletter is approaching. CG
Grant from National Landscapes
JM said that we need to get claims in for grant by the end of Feb. Sally W to be chased for invoice. Some money could be spent on compost etc for Planters for Pollinators.
LB said we need to fix JM’s access to bank account in case of emergencies etc.
CG and JM agreed to meet to sort out bank account on 13 January at 10am.
4. CRADLEY ORCHARD, Burryfields
PF pointed out that the orchard is neglected and will need formative pruning soon. It was agreed that he and Ian P take this on. Cardboard to laid around trees and soil improver added to prevent grass etc growing. Everyone to save cardboard. PF to inform Janita of our plans.
The following events for the first six months were agreed. As soon as all dates confirmed, CG to send out email notifying members.
9 January: Nature quiz and social
13 February: Sally W, Verging on the Wild. Her fee is £50.
Xx March: Litter pick.
We may also hold a seed sowing for Plants for Propagators in March.
27 April, 2pm: PF’s hedge survey.
Xx May: Ian P’s nature walk, identifying wildflowers etc.
Date tbc
June. Rory, Herefordshire Meadows, fee now reduced.
LB to confirm with Rory.
Suggestions for rest of the year
The following to be approached re availability and fees:
* Rebecca T, Herefordshire Food Alliance.
* The warden from The Knapp and Paper Mill Nature Reserve.
* Dr Ian H, Save the Wye
* Dr Johnny B, zoologist and chairman of The Mammal Society
* Archie M, Herefordshire tree expert and author
* Ella Q on dormice
* John H formerly of Shropshire Wildlife Trust on fungi
* A regenerative farmer eg Ben T-D (Regen Ben), or the woman farmer in Bishop’s Frome.
It was agreed that we promote the 2025 programme and Planters for Pollinators post-meeting with the WI.
Deadline: 16 January.
The next committee meeting will be held on
5 February, 2.30pm, venue tbc.
The Hurst, Bosbury Road, Cradley
Present: Linda B (chair), Jessie M (treasurer), Clare G (secretary),
Bill vM
1. Matters arising from last meeting.
2. Chair’s report
LB reported that the craft evening had been a success with many items made to sell at the Christmas Fair. Everyone praised Celia and Veronika for their brilliant contributions which made it all possible.
3. Treasurer’s report
All expenses are in and have been paid, apart from Celia’s costs for bird boxes.
AP: CG to pay Celia.
We need to allocate a provisional cost for printing and church village hall hire, neither of which have been invoiced.
AP: JM to action.
National Landscapes close down by end of February. JM suggested we put in as many invoices as we can before then, otherwise we will receive less cash next year eg pay speakers in advance.
AP: everyone to think of ways to do this.
4. Programme for 2025
Suggestions so far:
9 January: social evening with nature quiz and cider. It was agreed to charge a £5 fee for entry.
AP: Nicole to create quiz. Clare to provide cider. Celia to provide music? Prizes?
13 February: Sally Webster, Verging on the Wild, has confirmed. Her fee is £50.
AP: LB to ask for her invoice in advance.
March: date tbc, Litter pick.
We may also hold a seed sowing for Plants for Propagators in March.
AP: date to be confirmed. CG to give JM litter picking stuff.
April: Patrick to run a hedge survey. Date depends on when Ian P does his nature walk.
AP: Date tbc. BvM suggested these events be held on a Sunday and everyone agreed. Afternoons best as some members go to church in the morning.
May: Ian P’s nature walk, identifying wilDflowers etc.
AP: Date tbc
Other ideas for rest of the year:
June. Rory, Herefordshire Meadows, fee now reduced.
July: Rebecca Tully, Herefordshire Food Alliance.
August: no event.
September: Lynne from Wild Ross has not responded. Maybe a forager instead? BvM suggested the warden from The Knapp and Paper Mill Nature Reserve.
AP: BvM to contact warden.
October: ideas include Dr Ian H, Save the Wye; Dr Johnny Birks, zoologist and chairman of The Mammal Society; Archie Miles Herefordshire tree expert and author; Ella Quincy on dormice; John Hughes formerly of Shropshire Wildlife Trust on fungi.
5. CHRISTMAS FAIR, 7 December
The bird box was much admired, and Celia and Bill thanked.
Following some discussion, the following prices were agreed for items to be sold on our stall:
Wreaths: £3 and £4
Stars: £5 each
Plant supports: £6 each or two for £10
Snowflakes: £3 and £4.
AP: the WI to be approached to sell some snowflakes in case of rain.
AP: JM suggested we print and laminate a National Landscapes logo and include wording ‘Supported by’ to put on the stall. This was agreed. CG to action.
LB suggested that any unsold items be sold at the social event in January.
The idea behind this was outlined: 110 containers to be filled with pollinator-friendly plants – wildflowers and otherwise – each to be numbered (possibly with schoolchildren-designed numbers. Campaign is to celebrate the WI’s 110th anniversary. CW to act in an advisory role. Other local groups eg church, school, surgery, scouts, British Legion to be involved wherever possible.
It was pointed out that there is a pile of compost in the churchyard that could be used. The WI has seeds. In the new year, a date tbc for a seed sowing day.
BvM has secured a piece about fungi. Celia also has an idea for a feature.
AP: CG to submit copy to Newsletter (after FHCLI have OK’d credit) and to contact Celia.
Hi-vis vests and litter picks are now in. JM suggested she do an individual litter pick near the Hop Shed. Would other members also like to do this?
AP: CG to give JM pick and vest.
Although all payments at the summer fair were cash, we now have more high-value items to sell. It was suggested that we get a card reader to action this for the new year. SumUp and Square are easy to use. Square charges a small fee per each transaction.
A team of five regular rake and remove molehill spoil.
The next committee meetings will be held on
9 January 2025
13 February 2025
Both at 2.30pm, venue tbc.
Present: Linda B (Chair), Jessie M (Treasurer), Clare G (Secretary),
Bill vM, Nicole W
1. Molehill spoil: Linda thanked Bill and Clare for raking the molehills. Bill suggested that more volunteers be recruited to ensure that this method of natural management continues, otherwise the Parish Council may revert to employing the molecatcher.
Action point: Clare to email members to ask for volunteers. Clare to put up a poster on the noticeboard by Chapel Lane playground explaining the molehill raking.
2. Nature walk: Saturday 6 October
The route has been decided. Linda will lead the walk. John and Mike will do the nature stuff. Hi-vis vests have arrived and Jessie has done a risk assessment.
Action point: Linda to email members to remind them.
3. Public Liability Insurance
Linda paid £157 for this to be actioned prior to the walk on Saturday. Jessie sent payment through. The insurance is now in place.
Action point: Linda to be reimbursed when funds are in.
4. Verge raking
Clare has emailed Cherry but no reply as yet.
Action point: Clare to chase.
5. Litter pick
A date was set for the first litter pick: Sunday 12 January at 2pm. To start from the school, with the route to be recce’d beforehand.
Action point: members to be notified nearer the time. Litter picks to be sourced plus additional hi-vis vests.
6. Dates for general and committee meetings
It was agreed that meeting be held on second Thursday of each month, alternating day and evening, depending on the event/speaker. Committee meetings to be held on the following Wednesday.
Action point: Linda to draw up a programme of events with dates and to circulate to members when finalised.
7. Potential speakers
The following were suggested: Sally W, Verging on the Wild; Patrick F on hedges; Lynne from Wild Ross; Cherry on fungi; Rebecca of Food Alliance; Rory J of Herefordshire Meadows; Herefordshire Wildlife Trust.
Bella J may also have some suggestions. Clare to ask.
Action point: speakers to be approached re availability and expenses: Sally – Linda; Patrick – Linda; Lynne – Clare; Cherry – Linda/Clare; Rory – Linda; HWT – Linda.
8. CMS Newsletter, November issue
Bill to write a feature based on Richard Mabey’s article in the Radio Times on weeds and a different approach to gardening.
Action point: Bill to write. Deadline 12 October to Clare, 16 October to send to editors.
9. Craft evening, 14 November
Celia has made bird boxes. Veronika will advise on paper decorations. Jessie will investigate fat balls/pin cones.
Action point: Linda to fix a date to meet with Celia to discuss makes/refreshments etc.
Action point: Clare to produce a poster.
10. Christmas social
It was agreed that we have too much going on to arrange one before Christmas but a date in January or February could be a good idea
11. Collaboration with the WI
We will meet with Sue and Pam to discuss collaboration options to celebrate its 110th anniversary.
Action point: Clare to fix date.
12. Christmas Fair, 7 December, 10.30-2.30
Nicole suggested that we draw up a rota of helpers for the stand.
Action point: Linda to email members
MINUTES OF FIRST AGM, CRADLEY WILD, Thursday 5 September 2024, 2.30pm, Cradley Village Hall
PRESENT: Mary A, Linda B (chair), John C, Eryl C, Tony C, Ian D, Patrick F, Clare G (secretary), Janita G, Wynn H, Bruce H, Celia I, Jane I, Dave K, Jan M, Diane M, Ian P, Paul M, Sarah T, Rebecca T, Bill VM, Nicole W
Jessie M (Treasurer) and Mike H sent apologies.
Linda reported that since Cradley Wild was established in June 2023, several achievements
have been made.
* A constitution has been drawn up and circulated among members.
* Minuted, bi-monthly meetings have been attended by a growing number of people. In the
future, separate minuted committee meetings will be held to free up the regular meetings
for other activities. Minutes from these will be available to anyone who wants them and
uploaded on the village website.
* A Cradley Wild bank account has been set up with Lloyds. This will be managed by the
The constitution and bank account are pre-requisites to pursue grants. These will enable us
to obtain Public Liability Insurance, so that we can work safely on the verges, and to buy hivis
vests and other equipment.
National Landscapes [formerly AONB] has offered us a grant of £750 for this financial year
which we will be refunded after we have made the initial outlay. This is one of the reasons
for charging subscription of £5pa to members. We have also applied for a £250 grant from
Cradley Parish Council and are waiting to hear if we have been successful.
A voluntary membership donation of £5 was agreed, running from Sept 2024 to August
2025. This has been a big help in getting us off the ground financially and for applying for
grants. We don’t want to exclude anyone on a reduced income.
Relationships have been established with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, Verging on the Wild,
Herefordshire Meadows and Cradley WI. All of which have been supportive and encouraging
and will be valuable contacts for the future.
We invited Tracy Price of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust to present a talk in the Village Hall,
which was well attended. Bruce Herriot hosted a walk for members around his farm to see
what wildlife friendly planting and initiatives are in place there. Jessie and Clare attended at
a talk about waste management by the Waste Team Manager at Herefordshire Council,
hosted by Sustainable Ledbury.
We have a monthly presence in the Cradley Newsletter and on the Cradley Parish Website.
Posters, a banner and flyers have been created to spread the word about our activities. The
flyers will be included in the village welcome pack. Our aim is to encourage local people to
help nature, learn how gardens can contribute to addressing biodiversity loss, and the
importance of hedgerows as passageways for animals and insects.
Cradley Wild had a stand at the village Spring Plant Sale, and Summer Fete, both of which
led to a great deal of interest and many new members.
Cradley Wild is working with the Cradley & Storridge Parish Council to restore and develop
nature in the village. Janita is our liaison. Following a decision by the PC to not employ a
molecatcher for a trial period, we are managing molehill spoil.
Other involvement with the parish council, including wildflower planters, signage on the
Mound and verge management, has been discussed and we hope to see progress soon.
Planned activities include a nature walk in October, a meeting to make items for our stall at
the Christmas Fair, litter picks, hedge surveying and a programme of talks by relevant
speakers for 2025. We are also keen to involve the children from Cradley school and other
young people in the area to learn about and enhance our surroundings for all of nature,
including ourselves.
Jessie reported that the first income for Cradley Wild was generated on 4/5/2024, with £21
achieved from the plant sale. Since then, through voluntary subscriptions, drink
contributions and sales from the Village Fete, our income increased to £181. The offset
expenses total £49.48. The bank balance is currently £131.52
Moving forward, we have secured a grant of £750 from Malvern Hills National Landscape
(Worcestershire County Council)
This will enable us to secure Public Liability Insurance (c£200), an occasional guest speaker,
evening venue hire and equipment for a litter pick. The grant will enable us to diversify
activities and include more residents in Cradley.
We are very grateful to David A and Worcestershire Council for their help and
support and for everyone who has kindly made voluntary subscriptions and donations.
Clare reported that there are now 46 people on the email contact list.
During the AGM, £70 was collected as subscription payments from 14 people.
Now that we have separate committee meetings, minutes will be uploaded on the Cradley
Village website under a separate tag. A report with the numbers of attendees at general
meetings to be circulated to members.
Patrick suggested that all three existing officers be re-elected. This was agreed by the
meeting. He proposed the motion and Janita seconded it, This means that Linda will remain
as Chair, Jessie as Treasurer and Clare as Secretary.
Nature Walk: Rebecca reported that a nature walk held at The Nest included a scavenger
walk. This help to engage children. It was agreed that we would do the same, probably for a
Spring walk. Rebecca to provide details. Eryl suggested that a poster advertising the nature
walk be submitted to the school newsletter. Clare to forward to her. It was agreed that the
walk should last no longer than 1.5 hours.
Litter pick: Di said that she has litter picking equipment in her garage that could be used by
Cradley Wild. Herefordshire Council need to be alerted to pick up the purple bags.
Insurance: Patrick suggested that we apply for insurance for more than one year.
14 November meeting: Linda asked for ideas of things to make for the Christmas Fair.
Verge management: there are two verges to rake in the village in October. Parish Council
(Janita?) to alert us when they are cut so it can be actioned.
Linda thanked everyone for supporting Cradley Wild and for attending the meeting. She
reminded the meeting that the Village Hall is booked for our next meeting on Thursday 14
November from 6.30-9pm to make items for the Christmas Fair. Any suggestions for craft
ideas to be sent to her or to Clare.
She commented that next year promises to hold lots of opportunities for Cradley Wild to
continue to flourish and to help nature in our area.
Thursday 11 July 2.30pm, in the Village Hall
Thank you to everyone who attended July’s meeting of Cradley Wild. It was a lively and useful afternoon with many plans hatched.
This is a short summary of some of the points raised for those who couldn’t attend and a reminder for those who did. If you would like full minutes, let me know and I’ll email them to you. Likewise, let me know if you'd like to be removed from this mailing list.
It was agreed that, for a trial period of six months, meetings from October onwards be held monthly. Rather than be a formal meeting with agenda/minutes, we will have an activity eg a talk, walk or a making session. The committee will meet separately and handle the more procedural stuff. Meetings will alternate between afternoon and evenings so that more people are able to attend.
The following were discussed (and agreed) as activities we can run around the village: seasonal nature walks, a regular litterpick, a hedge survey, road verge maintenance. We shall, of course, need volunteers for all of these. More details to follow once dates etc have been fixed.
Once the Parish Council has approved funding, we can install wildflower planters next to the new bench at Fincher’s Corner.
THE NEXT MEETING will be the AGM on Thursday 5 September, 2.30pm, Village Hall. After the formal business, Tony C will take us on a tour of the churchyard and point out the wildlife-friendly initiatives in place there.
See you in September!
Thursday 9th May 2024, Cradley Village Hall
PRESENT: Linda B (chair), John C, Tony C (part), Patrick F, Mike H, Jessie M, Bill VM, Diane M (part), Nicole W, Sarah B, David K, Sarah , Harry & Jude F, Jan M, Jill S, Mary A, Lorna, Catherine & baby G
APOLOGIES: Clare G, Penny B, Paul D, Ian & Marie P
There was several new attendees, whose attendance and participation were welcomed.
Linda advised that this week 6-12 May is National Hedgerow week.
a. Constitution was ratified and agreed.
Plant Sale: Linda thanked Patrick and Ian for manning the stall. £20 was raised.
Village Fete: Volunteers required – even if just for an hour. Fete runs from 10-5pm
Also, ideas for the stall e.g. activities for children, wildflowers in jars for identification,
anything to sell – if anyone can make bird or bat boxes.
Action points:
• Volunteers to man the table (ALL)
● Ideas to engage and attract visitors to the stand (ALL) by 31 May
Please respond to either Linda or Clare
4. AGM Thursday 5 September at CRADLEY VILLAGE HALL 14.30 – 16.00
Voluntary £5 subscription/donation for active members agreed and some members have
already paid.
Action point: Please note date (ALL)
Action point: The annual voluntary subscription date will run from 1-9-2024- 31-8-2025.
Those who have paid already will be sent e-mail acknowledgement (Jessie)
5. National Landscapes- APPLICATION for £1000 GRANT
Linda is in discussion with David A
Public Liability Insurance will be required for activities and this is being investigated.
Action Point: Jessie to report back on Public Liability Options and Costs (1/7/24)
The Parish Council has agreed to halt mole catching activities for the next year and monitor
the situation, providing CW deal with the spoil from the mole hills. This was unanimously
applauded by the group and much credit given to Clare G and Bill VM for their work to secure this decision.
The Parish Council is keen for Cradley Wild to be involved with Crumpton Hill green –
possible ideas are apple trees with underplanted wildflowers. It is a large area and provides
a good opportunity to increase bio-diversity. There is also an area of verges the Parish
Council manages. Good communication with the residents at Crumpton Hill is required to
hear their views on what should be done.
Mike has a contact for apple trees which may be useful. Parish Council will finance trees.
Action point: Linda to arrange a meeting with Colin M and the residents. Mary advised that approach should be through Chair of Parish Council
Note 1: Public Liability Insurance may also be required for any activity.
Note 2: The Story Board for the Chapel Lane Play Area was discussed. Feedback from Diane
(who attended PC Meeting) advised that more pictures were suggested, although this
feedback has not been passed on directly to Linda. This was further discussed in AOB.
Action point: Mary to check and let Linda know Parish Council’s requirements.
Action Point: to progress Parish Council’s requirements Diane advised there needed to be
more explanation on why the area looks like it does and more explanations/pictures.
Action Point: Someone with good IT skills to aid with photos to assist – Any volunteers
please contact Linda by 31 May.
Note 3: Bill raised a concern that the Council may use herbicides on nettles. All members of
the group were opposed to this action. Nettles are an important food and breeding source.
Also there is a danger from herbicides to people
Action Point: Mary agreed to pass on the Group’s concern about any use of herbicides to
the Parish Council
Diane reported that there are issues with the bench but once this is resolved, the planting
can go ahead.
Action Point: Diane to advise when bench issue resolved.
c/f to next meeting as when Ian P is available.
Jessie suggested linking with other groups to share best practice and ideas. All agreed this
was a good idea. Sarah advised that Herefordshire Green Network may have established a
framework and there was a discussion as to whether the Parish Council may also have a
strategy in place for linking up similar groups.
Lorna works for Maritime Conservation Trust and advised they run a ‘Source to Sea’ data
collection for waste. Although originally beach-orientated, it can be land-based and the data
collection helps understand how/why waste is happening and drive future strategies. All
agreed a land based ‘liitter pick’ and data analysis would be useful.
Action point: Sarah to provide Linda with website/contact details for Herefordshire Green
Network and Mary will enquire with Council.
Action point: Members to look at Maritime site and report back at the next meeting
regarding any litter picking plans and data analysis ideas that could be used for Cradley Wild
Certain items such as batteries and tin foil are not collected by County Council at the
roadside but they are recyclable. The group discussed whether a central collection point in
Cradley would help and one volunteer could take to recycling centre monthly – which avoids
individuals having to make trips or recyclable goods not being recycled because it’s too
Diane advised that the school collects batteries (as do Boots Ledbury).
Jan advised that Oxfam in Malvern take in foil, and Bill said that Super Drug will take blister
packs. Bill also advised of the firm Terra Cycle which may also be an option.
The Bran Tub in Malvern collect stamps.
Ideally, a central collection point in Cradley would be better for the environment.
Action point: Mary agreed to approach the council to see if there is any support for a
central collection point.
Action Point: Linda to include options above of where to take non kerbside recyclable goods
in the next newsletter.
Nicole has offered to do a piece on butterflies and Linda to do a summary on what has been
achieved by Cradley Wild so far.
Bird count Mike suggested 25/26 May for as many people in Cradley as possible to carry out
a bird count for one hour during the weekend – what you see or hear flying in or over your
garden. Jill suggested that it would be useful to encourage school children to participate in
the bird watch. All agreed but to trial logistics, it may be best to do the first birdwatch just
with the group.
Action point: ALL to e mail Mike with results by 3 June
Linda asked for around 3-4 volunteers so we can create a core committee/enabling group of
c 6 people to drive actions forward outside of the bi-monthly meetings.
Action point: All to consider if they can make this commitment and let Linda know by
Linda asked if anyone had QGIS knowledge for hedge survey. Patrick advised that this may
not be an essential requirement as there was an interface before inputting into QGIS.
First step for Cradley hedge survey would be to get a map. Reports are made on each
segment (even if there is a gap in the hedge). Herefordshire has a definitive map of
Action point: Patrick agreed to investigate the skill set required and report back
15. AOB
• Tony asked for volunteers to put up bat boxes in the churchyard. Paul
M, John C and Dave K kindly volunteered. David and John volunteered to make bat boxes. Jessie advised that to improve chances of success c6-10 boxes may be required (following a talk from Worcestershire Wildlife).
Action Point: Tony to liaise with volunteers.
• Jan advised that the Evergreen Club often required people to talk, and it may be
a way for Cradley Wild to raise funds as they pay £20.
Action Point: Anyone interested in giving a talk to Evergreen or other
organisations to notify Linda.
• Bill is talking to school’s champion.
• Visit to Bruce H's farm was very inspiring and useful.
• There could be an opportunity to match people who want land to grow veg etc.
with people who have land available as well as formal allotments. Mary agreed
to talk to the council to assess demand. Jan advised she needs help with
gardening and could share produce. Sarah F may be able to help.
Action Point: Mary to raise with council about formal allotments and report
• Linda re-iterated the need for volunteers with the fete. Please can volunteers
who can help let Linda know by 31 May. (Linda is away from 1-16 June.)
This will be held on Thursday 11 July 2.30pm, in the Village Hall.
Constitution 2nd May 2024
Dra$ Cons*tu*on for Cradley Wild (C W) 2024
The name of the group is Cradley Wild.
To increase and improve the environment for nature in and around Cradley
To make people aware of what can be done locally and what can be done now
to start changing gardening habits.
To secure funds to improve habitat.
To raise funds and receive dona=ons and/or grants. No permanent trading
ac=vi=es to take place.
To produce leaflets/ posters and ar=cles in local press to publicise group
To hold mee=ngs.
To pay any necessary expenses that occurred in running the group.
To exchange informa=on and advice with other environmental groups.
All ac=vi=es to be lawful ones.
Membership of the group is open to all persons in sympathy with the group’s
aims and willing to abide by this cons=tu=on.
Each member shall have one vote at Annual General Mee=ngs (AGMs) and
Extraordinary General Mee=ngs (EGMs) and be eligible to stand for elec=on to
the commiIee.
The group will be non-party-poli=cal, and commiIed to non-discriminatory
Enabling Group
CW shall elect a commiIee of up to six members to be called the Enabling
This will comprise a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and up to three members.
Elec=on will be at the AGM for a year. AMer a year they may stand for reelec
The Enabling Group will direct policy and management of the group.
The Enabling Group will have the power to co-opt members if it wishes to use
this power.
The Enabling Group will meet for a minimum of four =mes a year.
The quorum for the Enabling Group will be three members.
General Mee=ngs will be held at least four =mes a year.
An AGM will be held in September each year.
An agenda will be circulated by email for the AGM 14 days before the mee=ng.
It will include elec=ng the Enabling Group, amendments to the cons=tu=on and
approval of the CW Group’s accounts.
An EGM can be held at the Chair’s discre=on or by wriIen or email request to
the Chair by three or more members. The EGM should take place within three
weeks of the request and deal with the business specified in the request.
An EGM will be called if the group is to be wound up. Any proceeds will be
donated to environmental chari=es.
A bank account shall be opened in the name of CW and any money raised shall
be used only to further the aims of CW.
All payments to be authorised by two members of the Enabling Group.
The Treasurer or another member of the Enabling Group shall keep accoun=ng
A statement of accounts shall be presented to the members at the AGM and
verified by a competent person who is independent of the group.
No member of the group shall receive money from the account other than
payment of actual expenses occurred.
Any assets held will be held in the name of Cradley Wild.
Amendments to the Cons8tu8on:
Any amendments to the cons=tu=on sought by any member, shall be in wri=ng
and all members informed and all given the opportunity to vote on the
proposed amendments.
Amendments will be passed if there is two thirds of the majority of members
vo=ng in favour.
The Secretary, or if not present, someone else appointed by the Enabling
Group, shall keep a full record of proceedings at every general mee=ng of the
group including AGMs and EGMs.
If the Enabling Group by a simple majority consider it necessary to dissolve the
group CW then it shall call an EGM of all the members giving not less than 14
days no=ce in wri=ng. If the decision is confirmed by a majority of those
present, then the assets of the group shall be dealt with as outlined above.
Adopted on the ……. day of ………20
Signed ……………………….Chair
Thursday 7 March 2024, Cradley Village Hall
PRESENT: Linda B (chair), John C, Tony C, Jenny F, Patrick F, Clare G, Mike H, Jessie M, Ian P, Marie P, Bill VM, Diane M, Nicole W
APOLOGIES: Janita G, Paul D
Plant Sale: CW has a table at the plant sale. As Linda, Nicole, Jessie and Clare are away on that date, Linda asked for volunteers to staff it. It may be that we just leave leaflets. Any plants provided by our group will be sold in aid of church and village hall.
Action points: someone to staff the stand. Anyone got any surplus wildlife-friendly plants to sell? Clare to create leaflet and liaise with Ken about printing.
Village Fete
Our table is booked and paid for.
Action point: presence and offering to be discussed.
Linda reported that the constitution has been drawn up and circulated. Amendments to be added and recirculated. She thanked Patrick for his help pulling it together and Tony for his amendments, which have been considered and some incorporated. Tony pointed out that the constitution should state that no payment to be made except for expenses, and made suggestions as to how many people should be required to be quorate.
Action point: Clare to circulate draft constitution. Any comments feedback to be sent to Linda. Once everyone has agreed, it will be ratified at the next meeting.
This was prompted by meeting with David A of National Landscapes who advised that CW needs a steering group and constitution to apply for grants and to be taken seriously. A temporary team of Chair (Linda), Secretary (Clare) and Treasurer (Jesse) is in place. Permanent members to be elected at the AGM in September. Three members of the enabling group are needed to be a quorate. The minimum number of meetings per annum to be four. Agenda to be circulated beforehand.
Linda suggested that a voluntary fee of £5 per member p.a. to be requested to cover admin costs.
Action point: vote on whether to go ahead with voluntary contributions to take place at next meeting.
Clare reported that, following some technical difficulties, a CW bank account has been opened with Lloyds. Signatories are Linda, Clare and Jessie.
Linda and Clare met with David A of National Landscapes (was AONB). He will apply for a grant of £1,000 to be available for CW for wildlife projects and equipment eg hi-vis vests, tools. If made available, this will be paid in arrears. Tony pointed out that all receipts must be kept so that this can happen.
Jessie, Paul and Clare attended this meeting. Jessie reported that it was an interesting presentation and a good reminder of what we can and can’t recycle. She has written an account for the next Newsletter. Tenders for Herefordshire waste will be re-negotiated in September so there may be some changes regarding food waste.
There was discussion about biodegradable/composting soft plastics and what this means. Ian said that he has sourced compostable doggy bags made from potato starch.
Action point: Ian to write a note for the newsletter on where to get these doggy bags.
Action point: pursue a partnership with Sustainable Ledbury.
Ian, Patrick, Jenny and Clare attended. The talk by Megan from Peoples Trust for Endangered Species was excellent and inspiring. A bird handler came with a Barn Owl and a Kestrel; Jenny pointed out that birds need hedges as much as small creatures, insects etc for sightlines, food and shelter. Colwall has done an extensive survey of all hedges accessible by public right of way, which is a great template should we do one, too.
Action point: a Cradley hedge survey to be considered for the future, using the useful methodology implemented by Colwall.
Action point: Ian to write an account of the meeting for the Newsletter. Linda to ask David A for the information he offered on how the hedge survey needs to be conducted.
Diane reported that Janita has received our proposal and will submit costs to the Parish Council.
Action point: everyone agreed that the list of plants drawn up by Ian and Bill was a useful document and could be expanded to include in the Newsletter. Ian to action.
Ian met with Kate from Severn Rivers Trust with other volunteers. This is part of a national organisation which trains volunteers to use equipment, which it supplies. This equipment is currently with a volunteer called Dick. Kate will advise on how often to monitor the water, potentially in three sites: Kingsbridge, Mathon, and Pound Bridge. Ian H currently monitors six sites every week.
Action point: Ian to update at next meeting.
It was agreed that we submit the following articles for the next three issues:
a. Wildlife-friendly plant list (Ian and Bill)
b. Waste and recycling (Jessie) + call to action Bird Count (Mike)
c. Hedges (Ian and Patrick)
Diane reported that there are two designated roadside verges marked by Herefordshire Council. In the past, she has maintained these in October ie raked leaves, weeded nettles, brambles etc. This is something CW can continue. There are rakes which we can use.
Action point: a working party of volunteers to be established to do this. Diane to point out verges involved.
John is a parish tree warden and has a list of the protected trees in the villages.
Action point: John to supply document to Clare who will scan it and circulate.
Diane proposed that CW supply words for the storyboards at Chapel Lane, explaining what the purpose of the Mound is, what the plants are, their benefits to wildlife etc. The Mound has been surveyed to establish what is growing there. DM also pointed out that the problem with moles in the football field is that children could twist an ankle in the tunnels they create.
Action point: Diane/Janita to get hold of the results of the survey and circulate. Then we can write copy.
Diane asked what are our plans for these patches of greenery? She suggested planting memorial fruit trees, like Cradley Orchard. Ian and Patrick are going to prune the trees in Cradley Orchard. Diabe suggested planting fritillaries beneath the trees as the ground is so wet and they like damp conditions.
Action point: Diane to take us to view the area and to see the verges. Plans to be agreed with Parish Council.
Tony and Linda brought this to the meeting’s attention.
Action point: it was agreed to monitor it.
Mike suggested we run a village bird count in late May/early June to establish what species are present. He also congratulated Jessie for her article on hedgehogs in the current Newsletter.
Action point: date and time tbc. Mike to supply copy for May Newsletter.
John drew attention to the lovely bit of hedgelaying in Mathon.
Action point: if anyone is passing (road works currently making this tricky), please take a photo to potentially include in the Newsletter.
This will be held on Thursday 9 May, 2.30pm, in the Village Hall.
Wednesday 10th January
Happy New Year and looking forward to Cradley Wild (CW) moving from strength to strength.
If possible if you are able to attend please let Ian and Marie know to help with chairs needed to
We have a number of things to discuss including all the ideas you have to share.
Some info for those who wish to attend are:
In Spring Bruce H is offering to host a walk around his farm for up to 12 people to discuss his nature friendly approach.
HWT launches a new branch at Leominster at Grange Court Leominster on 29th Jan. 7pm to 10pm all welcome.
Also HWT Nature Action Network next meet on 28th Feb For detailed info see HWT website or enquire at HWT.
"Celebrating our hedges" A talk by Colwall Parish Council and Malvern Hills National landscapes 22/02/24 venue not yet fixed.
Clare to feedback on meeting with councillor Colin M and environment group leader Janita G
Jessie to update about corresponding with Ellie Chown re food compost.
Discuss Display Board and also A5 flyer for Welcome Pack for new villages about CW
Discuss opening bank account to then be able to access grants and to cover any expenses. EG Clare paid £5.90 for poster printing so far.Thanks to her.
Discuss Volunteers willing to take action eg in orchard
Whether to ask Lindsay of Colwall Orchard Group (COG) who is offering wildflower seeds and advice , to come and speak at next meeting if possible about COG .
Mike may have info from David A Malvern hills AONB and Tony info from Ian H re Cradley Brook monitoring.
Venue for next meeting, Cradley Parish Hall? Whether we should alternate afternoon and evening meetings
Best wishes Linda
PS Those of you sent BCC are you happy for your email addresses to be circulated to all members? If I do not hear to the contrary I will assume you are.