Cradley Post Office


The Post Office has returned to Cradley Village Hall

On the 8th May 2014 the Post Office returned with even more services available to Cradley in the Heritage room. Originally the kitchen was open serving teas, coffees and other goodies (but this service has now ceased). Make a social occasion out of your visit to the Post Office.

Post office’s closure in July 2013 will be end of an era

Cradley POST Office and stores (opposite Brookside) closed down after falling victim to the power of supermarkets with its owner blaming cuts to its postal services and a change in shopping habits.

There has been a shop operating from the picturesque black and white building since the 1890s. “It’s not become viable for the amount of time that is put into it,” said Nigel Thomas, who took over the running of the enterprise with wife Helen two and a half years ago. “One of the reasons is the reduction in postal services over the years which has made quite an impact.

“We’re now not able to do car taxes, business accounts or foreign currency. All we’re able to offer is pensions, parcels and stamps and you can’t make any commission on that. “Regarding the store, we have to contend with competition from all the supermarkets who can offer huge discounts.

“We are also not on a main road so we don’t have a passing trade. “The supermarkets can also offer home deliveries. It’s a culmination of all these things. It’s down to general usage and people’s shopping habits. “The shop is just not able to support itself so I’ve had to take the decision to say we can’t do it anymore.”

Mr Thomas said those who use the shop have seen it coming and have done the best they can to support it. But despite offering the business for sale over the past 18 months, it has received no takers.

Mr Thomas hit the headlines two years ago when, as manager of the Foley Arms Hotel in Malvern, he staged a five day sit-in with staff over unpaid wages after it ceased trading. It is now owned by Wetherspoons.

Cradley Parish Council chairman Chris Lowder said the post office closure was a shame. “It’s a great pity because there has been a shop there since the 1890s,” he said. “It’s a focal point of village life. There is another shop here in Cradley so we are not losing a service completely, but the one that is going is more accessible to some of those in the village.”

Apparently the Village Hall Committee are looking into the provision of postal services.

Pre-July 2013

This centuries old general store offers:

Newspapers andmagazines with full delivery service: Cards and stationery: Fresh fruit and vegetables: Frozen foods and delicatessen: Bread, cakes, confectionery, drinks: Full off-licence: National Lottery: Dry cleaning: Coal: Cash dispenser for high street banks.

The post office offers:

Mail services: Postal orders: Banking servicces: Bill payments: Mobile phone top ups

Open daily 8am - 5.30pm (Wed & Sat to 7pm) and Sunday 9.30am to 12noon. (September 2012)

Cradley Post Office Gets a Makeover 2003

After months of planning Sue and David Mayor have this week (7 February 2003) completely revamped the Cradley Post Office and Stores. With a little help from the Countryside Agency and lots of cooperation from everyone who works in the shop, this week has seen their plans become reality.

The changes were made whilst still serving their customers. Brian Herbert painted the shop from top to bottom. For the shopfitters, putting in the new shelving and taking out the old was like a Chinese puzzle. Trina Fitzer had to hop up and down the steps all day as most of the stock had to be held in the back whilst the work was in progress. For the customers each day was Hunt the Newspaper day.

Now everything is in place, making it easier for those who want self-service, but with the normal personal service for those who want it. The overall reaction from customers has been "Its looks great", "It looks so clean", "There seems to be much more room". Sue is also very pleased that some of the old shelving is being put to good use in a charity shop that will be opening shortly in Gloucester

As customers we should congratulate Sue and David, and more to the point, continue to use the stores as much as possible.

PO and Stores

Work in progress

What have we taken on?

Chinese puzzle

New look

New look

Friendly service