Building a Classroom Community

Give Me Structure

Building a Classroom Community feels like...

Children learn best when they feel they are part of a community in which everyone feels accepted and individuality is encouraged. Creating this kind of classroom community requires planning and practice. Below is one of the 5 elements of building that community.

Give me Structure for students involves routines and procedures, classroom management, and classroom design.

Routines & Procedures

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines don't just make your life easier, they save valuable classroom time. And what's most important, efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Consult the drop-down list below or view this video.

A copy of this planning tool may be used to guide your reflections. CQSB email needed to access.

What routines or procedures do you want to put use and model this year? See Harry Wong's list below

____Entering the classroom

____Getting to work immediately

____When you are tardy

____Listening to and responding to questions

____End of the day dismissal

____Participating in class discussions

____When you need paper or pencil

____Sharpening pencils

____Bathroom or water fountain

____When you need help

____Keeping your desk orderly

____Checking out class materials

____Indicating whether you understand

____Coming to attention

____When you are absent

____Working cooperatively

____Changing groups or centers

____Keeping your notebook

____Going to the office (Buddy System)

____The schedule for the day

____Grades and progress reports

____Finding directions for each assignment

____Morning routine

____Passing in papers

____Exchanging papers

____Returning student work

____Getting materials ready without disturbing others


____Handing out playground equipment

____Moving about the room

____Going to specials and lunch

____Using class library books

____Heading on papers

____When you finish early

____Returning to a task after an interruption

____Asking a question

____When a school wide announcement is made

____Walking in the hall

____Responding to a fire drills (fire, evacuation, safety)

____When visitors are in the classroom

____If the teacher is out of the classroom

____What to do with unfinished assignments

____If the phone should ring

____When someone calls on the intercom

____If you are suddenly ill (Student)

____Writing homework assignments in agenda

____ Cafeteria Procedures (Entering, Waiting, Selecting, Eating First, Table Etiquette, Dismissing From Table, Dismissal Line, Exiting)

____ Classroom Meetings

____ Indoor/Outdoor Recess

____ New Students (How Will They Learn Procedures?)

____ Reflection Q’s & Essays

Going further...

Classroom Management

The gardener does not

make a plant grow.

The job of a gardener is to

create optimal conditions.”

—Sir Ken Robinson

Visit or revisit practices here on the Centre of Excellence Site, that support attachment, where...

  • contracts become individual interventions

  • consequences become preventive interventions

  • and time outs are time away with someone!

Do behaviour systems do more harm than good?

Read what using smiley faces or frowns can do to brain development here in this article by Eva de Gosztonyi

Classroom Design

How can you organize the space in the classroom to optimize a healthy learning environment?

Explore some of the ideas on the webpage, Creating an Effective Learning Environment, and reflect.

Contribute your reflections to the Collaborative Mindmap below.

Click on the Mindmap image to brainstorm ideas for effective classroom design!

Use the buttons below to head on over to a different section!