
Central Québec School Board Educational Services has created information documents to support families during the COVID-19 school closures. Links to sites support wellness for all.

Les services éducatifs de la commission scolaire Central Québec ont créé les documents ci-bas afin de supporter les familles pendant les fermetures d'écoles dues au Covid-19. Les liens plus bas encouragent le bien-être de tous.

Guide to speak about covid-19_V2 (final) (1).pdf

A Guide on How to Talk About COVID-19 With Your Child

How to support your child during Homework_V2 (final) (1).pdf

How Can I Support my Child With Homework?

guide pour parler de la covid-19 avec les enfants (1).pdf

Guide pour parler de la Covid-19 avec vos enfants

Outils pour supporter vos enfants pendant (1).pdf

Outils pour aider vos enfants pendant la période de travaux scolaires

The Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management has put together some information to help parents in understanding and coping with their children’s behaviour in these unusual times. Their Facebook page also offers daily tips.

On this website, you will find a lot of information about anxiety and tools to reduce it. The information and tools are for children, youth and adults. You can also download their free application based on best practices and recommended by three Canadian universities, MindShift CBT. The application is working for youth and adults.

In this channel, you will find yoga videos for preschoolers. Before they do yoga, you can teach them how to take deep breath. Ask them to lay on their back and put a stuffed animal on their belly. Ask them to make it move by moving their belly.

GoNoodle engages children with movement and mindfulness videos. This site inspires all kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids' different ages, interests, skills, and abilities. Visit their Family page now!