

Identika LLC is a communications agency specializing in crafting bespoke marketing campaigns for government agencies. We align your brand and messages with the right audience to facilitate meaningful engagement, promote policy awareness, and empower your mission-critical objectives. To learn more, visit  

Identika has a successful track record implementing marketing, advertising, and PR campaigns for the Virginia Department of Health:

Services and Capabilities

Marketing & Advertising Campaigns: Using a culture-based approach, we develop compelling branding, messaging, and implementation of your campaigns to reach the target audiences and mobilize them to action. Our VDH campaigns have reached over 320 million impressions statewide.

Media Relations & PR Engagement: We leverage our relationships with media outlets and trusted messengers to amplify your campaign, obtain earned media, and raise awareness. Services include media coverage, interviews, op-eds, ghostwriting, satellite tours, social media livestream events, and other related services.

Media Buys & Advertising: Plan, negotiate, and execute media buys on behalf of VDH, including print (mainstream and minority publications), digital, airports, out-of-home (OOH), social media, movie theaters, projection buildings, experiential, and other media. We oversee the media vendors’ performance, optimize the campaign’s performance, and provide periodic performance reports.

Strategic Outreach Coordination: Implementation of outreach strategies and events tailored to diverse communities. Identika can work closely with you to identify trusted messengers and establish effective alliances to amplify your campaigns.

Content Creation: Development of highly engaging content, including print, digital, social media, video production, and digital animation, to help promote your campaigns and initiatives; expertise in transcreation of content into Spanish and other languages.