✍️ On the Blog

National Fentanyl Awareness Day


Tomorrow, May 7th, 2024, is #NationalFentanylAwarenessDay. Learn about the dangers of fake pills and fentanyl in our new blog and find out what events are happening near you this week at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/05/06/national-fentanyl-awareness-day-2024/ #NoRandomPills 

Blog Link: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/05/09/national-fentanyl-awareness-day-2024/ 

🖥️ New + Updated Areas

Radiological Events 

This new page on the Comms Hub offers resources for radiological events. More to come! 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review the materials and use them for your social media and outreach.

💡 New + Updated Assets

Decontamination of Yourself and Others

This infographic from CDC details how to decontaminate yourself or someone else.

More information can be found at How to Self-Decontaminate, Decontamination-Helping Others, and Decontamination-Pets

🎙️ Available in Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog + Ukrainian 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

How Potassium Iodide (KI) Works

This infographic from CDC details what potassium iodide (KI) is, how it works and when you should or should not take it.

More information can be found at Countermeasures: Potassium Iodide.

🎙️ Available in Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Spanish + Tagalog 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

Radiation Contamination Versus Exposure

This infographic from CDC details the differences between radioactive contamination and exposure.

More information can be found at Contamination Vs. Exposure.

🎙️ Available in Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Spanish + Tagalog

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

Radiation Emergency Postcard

This postcard from CDC is designed for the general public and includes the protective message of “Get Inside. Stay Inside. Stay Tuned.” 

These are designed to be printed by professional print services as a two-sided postcard. 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Print + distribute in the case of a radiological event.

Information + Resources for Radiation Emergencies Postcard

This postcard from CDC is designed for professionals that can be used to promote the protective message of “Get Inside. Stay Inside. Stay Tuned.” The postcard describes materials that can be found on the CDC Radiation Emergencies website. 

These are designed to be printed by professional print services as a two-sided postcard. 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Print + distribute in the case of a radiological event.

Nuclear Power Plant Accidents

This infographic from CDC details the main dangers of a nuclear power plant incident and how you can protect yourself.

More information can be found at More Types: Nuclear Power Plant Incident.

🎙️ Available in Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Spanish + Tagalog 

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

Where to Go in a Radiation Emergency

This infographic from CDC details where to go in a radiation emergency.

More information can be found at Get Inside and Stay Tuned to Learn How to Evacuate.

🎙️ Available in Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Spanish + Tagalog

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

Transportation Accidents

This infographic from CDC details the main dangers behind transportation accidents involving radioactive waste and how you can protect yourself in the event of an accident.

More information can be found at More Types: Transportation Accidents.

📌 This can be found in Radiological Events

💡 Review + use to help prepare for a radiological event.

📌 Social Media Highlights

Topics Highlighted This Week