✍️ On the Blog

National CACFP Week

Rare Disease Day

Posted 02.28.24

Tomorrow is #RareDiseaseDay, which serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by individuals and families affected by rare diseases. Learn more about rare diseases and what's being done to learn and treat these diseases worldwide: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/02/28/rare-disease-day-2024/  

Link to Blog Post: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/02/28/rare-disease-day-2024/

🖥️ New + Updated Areas

Marketing Vendor Contract

Information added about the vendors! Check them out!

This communications contract is a legal document that enables VDH to work with select communications vendors without going through a request for proposal (RFP) or quick quote process for each project. The media + advertising contracts are mandatory agencywide contracts. 

The contract allows LHDs and program managers to work with pre-approved communications vendors at any time during the duration of the contract to perform a specific scope of work for VDH, its program managers, or LHDs. 

📌 This can be found in Marketing Vendor Contract

💡 Review to submit your marketing requests

💡 New + Updated Assets

COVID-19 Treatment Social Media Carousel

These four images are part of a social media "swipe" carousel. Viewers will learn about COVID-19 treatment options, including who can get it, when to get it, and how to get it.

📌 This can be found in COVID-19 and Respiratory Health

💡 Share on social media + newsletters

Understanding Long COVID

This infographic from VDH includes information about long COVID, including symptoms and vaccination. 

📌 This can be found in COVID-19 and Immunization + Vaccination

🎙️ Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Tagalog

💡 Print + share or send to doctor's offices, pharmacies, + other community partners 

📌 Social Media Highlights

Topics Highlighted This Week