Powers of the Council

Corbin City Council Members

Council President

Mrs. LaVerne Kirn

3 year term until December 2024


President Pro-Tempore

Mr. Daniel Patterson 

3 year term until December 2025


Ms. Kelly Yeats

3 year term until December 2026     

email: councilyeats@corbincitynj.com

Council meeting are held on the 2nd Monday of the month, unless it is a holiday than will be held 

on the Tuesday following.  All meetings are held @6pm.

Powers of the Council

Section 40A:61-5 

a. The council shall be the legislative body of the municipality.

b. The council may, subject to general law and the provisions of this act:

(1) pass, adopt, amend and repeal any ordinance or, where permitted, any resolution for any purpose required for the government of the municipality or for the accomplishment of any public purpose for which the municipality is authorized to act under general law;

(2) control and regulate the finances of the municipality and raise money by borrowing or taxation;

(3) investigate any activity of the municipality;

(4) override a veto of the mayor by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the council.

c. The council shall appoint the subordinate officials of the municipality, except as provided elsewhere by law. In any case where the council is unable to appoint an officer or fill a vacancy to any appointed position by reason of being equally divided in a vote therein, the mayor shall have the power to cast a vote to break a tie.

N.J.S. § 40A:61-5

40:108-1 (148-9), and New.

L.1987, c.314, s.1.

Organization of Council

Section 40A:61-6

a. The city council shall hold an annual meeting on the first day of January at twelve o'clock noon, or during the first seven days of January in any year.

b. At its annual meeting, the council shall, by the vote of a majority of its number, elect a president of the council, who shall preside at all its meetings, and a president pro tempore who shall preside in the president's absence. They shall hold office for one year and until the next annual meeting.

c. A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.

d. The council may, at its annual meeting, establish for its members such committees of the council as will assist it for the ensuing year.

e. The council shall hold such other meetings, at such time and place as it may by resolution direct, but all regular meetings shall be held within the city.

f. The president shall, when necessary, call special meetings of the council. In case of his neglect or refusal, a majority of the members of the council may call such meeting at such time and place in the city as it may designate, and in all cases of special meeting a notice shall be given to all members of the council, or left at their places of residence.

g. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of mayor, or whenever the mayor shall be prevented by absence from the city, sickness or other cause from attending the duties of his office, the council president pro tempore shall act as mayor and possess all the power of mayor for that period.

h. No officer, who has attained tenure by any provision of any section herein repealed by section 40A:61-8 of this act, shall be affected in any way by such repeal.

N.J.S. § 40A:61-6

40:108-1(12), 40:108-1(14), 40:108-1(26), and New.

L.1987, c.314, s.1.


Section 40A:61-7 

a. The municipality may, by ordinance, delegate all or a portion of the executive responsibilities of the municipality to an administrator, who shall be appointed pursuant to 40A:9-136.

b. The municipality may, by ordinance, adopt an administrative code. The administrative code shall restate the major provision of the city's charter and the general law supplementing the charter. The administrative code shall set forth the manner in which the council shall perform its duties. If the council organizes itself into standing committees or if the council members serve as heads of departments, the administrative code shall specify the powers and duties of such committees or department heads and the manner in which they are appointed. The administrative code shall also set forth the titles of the principal municipal officers, how the officers are appointed, how they are organized into departments, boards, commissions, and other agencies; whom they supervise, by whom they are supervised; their powers; and what procedures should be followed to carry on the activities of the city government. The administrative code shall not grant any power or authority nor authorize any procedure, unless the power, authority or procedure is authorized implicitly by the wording of the statute or derived by reasonable implication therefrom.

c. The assets and liabilities of any board, commission or district created pursuant to the statutes repealed in section 40A:61-8 of this act shall be transferred to the municipality.

d. The city council may create such advisory councils to the municipality as it may choose, including councils for the functions absorbed by it of any heretofore existing board, commission or district.

N.J.S. § 40A:61-7

L.1987, c.314, s.1.