Book Lists On the Website

Book Lists on the Website (LibraryAware)

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New List or New Issue?

New Book Newsletters can be added to the website as a RSS feed. Make sure to contact the WebEditor when you are ready to do that, if your site does not already display a list of books.

1. Sign in to Library Aware: (Contact Rhiannon to get an account – tell her you need to make a newsletter)

2. Does your newsletter currently exist?

  • Yes, and I need to add a new issue to email to patrons and/or I need to update the RSS feed (Display of titles on my website) – Go to A of these instructions
  • No, I would like to set up a new newsletter – Go to B of these instructions to setup a new newsletter.

A. Adding a new issue and/or updating the RSS feed (Visual workflow)

1. Newsletters>Newsletter Lists

2. Search to find your newsletter (this also controls the list of books on the website)

3. Create Issue.

4. Click on the template to edit for the Month, Date (e.g., August 2014); review the newsletter title (Department/location + Type ) and any unused sections – edit/delete unused sections

Tip: If you do not see options for multiple ISBNs, click on the blank space in the template.

5. Add your books to the newsletter

(1) Multiple ISBNs? If you have multiple ISBNs (e.g. a list of ISBNs or a new books report from Holly) you can multiple ISBNs in.

(a) Click on “Add New”> “Multiple Records”>: “Books by ISBN”

(b) Wait, there will be a lag as Library Aware pulls up the listing for each ISBN.

(2) Single ISBN? (e.g., working on the newsletter one title at a time?) .Either use “Change Book” or Add Book

6. Review your work.

a) Look for any entries that have “Book Annotation” instead of description. Just delete out the “Book Annotation” line (You don’t want that to show up in your newsletter or on the website).

b) Delete any remaining empty entries from the template.

7. Name, Save & Publish.

a) Name the Newsletter using Month and Year.

b)Save. This will take a while.

c) Click on “Publish to” : “send email.”

d)Change the radio button to “Immediately.”

e)Click on the orange “Schedule” button.

8. Email the Web Editor to check the website feed for new titles.

A. Adding a new issue and/or updating the RSS feed - Checklist

1. Newsletters>Newsletter Lists

2. Search to find your newsletter (this also controls the list of books on the website)

3. Create Issue.

4. Click on the template to edit for the Month, Date (e.g., August 2014); review the newsletter title (Department/location + Type ) and any unused sections – edit/delete unused sections

5. Add your books to the newsletter

  • Multiple ISBNs? If you have multiple ISBNs (e.g. a list of ISBNs or a new books report from Holly) you can multiple ISBNs in.
    • Tip: If you do not see options for multiple ISBNs, click on the blank space in the template.
    • Click on “Add New”> “Multiple Records”>: “Books by ISBN”
    • Wait, there will be a lag as Library Aware pulls up the listing for each ISBN.
  • Single ISBN? (e.g., working on the newsletter one title at a time?)
    • Either use “Change Book” or Add Book

6. Review your work.

  • Look for any entries that have “Book Annotation” instead of description. Just delete out the “Book Annotation” line (You don’t want that to show up in your newsletter or on the website).
  • Delete any remaining empty entries from the template.
  • Name, Save & Publish.
    • Name the Newsletter using Month and Year.
    • Save. This will take a while.
    • Click on “Publish to” : “send email.”
    • Change the radio button to “Immediately.”
    • Click on the orange “Schedule” button.
    • Email the Web Editor to check the website feed for new titles.

B. Creating a new Newsletter (Visual Workflow)

Tutorial of creating a new newsletter

1. Newsletters>Newsletter Lists

2. Click on Newsletter Lists

3. Create your newsletter template. (Look at other newsletters as examples)

a)Newsletter Name: New Books Newsletters begin with “New Books” followed by a descriptive category

b)Always include an Opt-In Page. ALWAYS. (LibraryAware will do the work for you, you just have to select it as an option.

c)Don’t forget to Save when you are finished!

4. Once your newsletter is setup, follow Section A to create your first newsletter and/or RSS feed for display on the website!

B. Creating a new Newsletter (or list) - Checklist

If you need a new newsletter, follow these instructions.

1. Newsletters>then Newsletter Lists

2. Click on Create List.

3. Create your newsletter template. (Look at other newsletters as examples)

  • Newsletter Name: New Books Newsletters begin with “New Books” followed by a descriptive category
  • Always include an Opt-In Page. ALWAYS. (LibraryAware will do the work for you, you just have to select it as an option.
  • Don’t forget to Save when you are finished!
  • Once your newsletter is setup, follow Section A to create your first newsletter and/or RSS feed for display on the website!

Notes about the website:

Make sure to email the Web Editor when you create a new newsletter. So that they can work with you on your website layout. For issues in existing newsletters which already have a display of new titles, you can check your site yourself. If you see issues, then contact the Web Editor. Just remember, that the feeds will update automatically when new issues are published but they may take up to 30 minutes to show up (if they are on your page – if not, contact the Web Editor).

Tip: Sign up for your newsletters, so you’ll know if one doesn’t send for any reason.

Make sure to email the Web Editor when you create a new newsletter. So that they can work with you on your website layout. For issues in existing newsletters which already have a display of new titles, you can check your site yourself. If you see issues, then contact the Web Editor. Just remember, that the feeds will update automatically when new issues are published but they may take up to 30 minutes to show up (if they are on your page – if not, contact the Web Editor).

Tip: Sign up for your newsletters, so you’ll know if one doesn’t send for any reason.