Road access

The principle issue is that access to the site is via approximately 790 metres of a single track, unclassified public road, the Pressock-Cononsyth U467. The concerns around the usage of this road are that:

  • the carriageway is only 3.6 metres wide and generally unsuited for regular heavy traffic

  • its existing junction with the B961 is already recognised as dangerous

  • it will conflict with existing motor traffic

  • it will be dangerous for non-motor users

  • it will be noisy, polluting and potentially dangerous for the occupants of the dwellings situated in the area of the proposed entrance.

  • it is an important amenity for local people and is regularly used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Because of the nature of the roadside verges there are limited refuge points when heavy vehicles use the road

  • CFL have prejudged the planning process, and created a new access point and track, destroying many metres of dry stone wall in the process. What is described as an "existing entrance" * will become the major access to the site, bringing all traffic destined for the site in close proximity to four households. Without this access, the site chosen makes little sense.

* "Recently created" would be a better description.

  • We believe that road access is an important issue, and justifies serious consideration for alternative sites for the buildings and associated service roads, so that direct access could be gained from the B961.