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Condorcet Workshop in Rennes

  • June, 29, 2018: Politically Generated Cycles.

  • November 18, 2016: Grading Government Efficiency.

  • December 10-11, 2015 : From Institutions Matter to Individuals Matter: The New Frontier of Political Selection.

  • May 22-23, 2014: Public Choice and Social Choice: From a Common Origin to Different Paths?

  • May 30-31, 2013: Endogenizing state and political fragmentation.

  • 27 April, 2012: Political economy of redistribution.

  • December 9, 2011: Strategic interactions among different government levels. Workshop organized in partnership with the IREF (Institut de Recherches Economiques et Fiscales).

PEARL Seminar

PEARL is a network of researchers and research institutions that operate in the field of applied public economics and public finance. The main focus of the network is on the regional level of government, which of course includes studying the relationships with local, state, federal (or supra-national) institutions. The idea of PEARL is to gather various kinds of expertise both from different countries (implying different objectives, economic and institutional constraints) and from different fields of economic analysis (econometrics, public finance and public choice, local and regional economics, macroeconomics).

  • The 16th PEARL Workshop 2019, 26-27th september, University of Rennes 1, Rennes.

  • The 15th PEARL Workshop 2018, 5-6th september Zermmatt, Switzerland.

  • The 14th PEARL Workshop 2017, 28-29th September 2017, University of Minho, Portugal.

  • The 13th PEARL-seminar 2016: September 29- 30 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

  • The 12th PEARL-seminar 2015: April 27-28 in Torino and Alessandria, Italy.

  • The 11th PEARL-seminar 2014: October 2-3 in Rennes, France.

  • The 10th PEARL-seminar 2013: June 6-7 in Fribourg, Switzerland.

  • The 9th PEARL-seminar 2012: June 7-8 in Helsinki, Finland.

  • The 8th PEARL-seminar 2011: May 24-25 in Brno, Czech Republic.

  • The 7th PEARL-seminar 2010: May 6-7 2010 inTorino and Alessandria, Italy.

  • The 6th PEARL-seminar 2009: May 14-16, in Jinan,China.

  • The 5th PEARL-seminar 2008: May 14-16, in Rennes , France.

  • The 4th PEARL-seminar 2007: June 12-13, in Tampere, Finland.

  • The 3rd PEARL-seminar 2006: 8th – 10th June, in Fribourg, Switzerland.

  • The 2nd PEARL-seminar 2005: 19th – 21st May, in Helsinki, Finland.

  • The 1st PEARL-seminar 2004: 29th – 31st January, in Rennes, France.

Conférences organisées dans le cadre du master IMEPP

  • 4 Mars, 2020. Missions et fonctionnement de la direction des services administratifs et financiers, An-vinh Doan, Cadre budgétaire, Direction des services administratifs et financiers du Premier ministre

  • 21 Novembre 2018 & 15 Janvier 2020. Missions et fonctionnement de la chambre régionale des comptes de Bretagne, Bernard Prigent, Premier Conseiller, Chambre régionale des comptes de Bretagne.

  • 29 mars 2018. Mise en pratique : les étapes de la démarche évaluative, Vincent Honoré, Quadrant Conseil.

  • 27 mars 2018. L’évaluation en pratique, co-organisé avec la Société Française d’Evaluation. Programme :

    • Jean Michel Josselin. Professeur Université de Rennes 1. Membre de la Commission d’évaluation économique et de santé publique (CEESP) de la haute Autorité de santé. Évaluation médico-économique et prix des traitements innovants. Quelle information l’évaluateur doit-il transmettre au décideur?

    • Jean-Michel Charpin. Inspection générale des Finances. Critères-clés de la méta-évaluation des évaluations socioéconomiques des grands projets d’investissement du CGI (Commissariat général à l’investissement).

    • Myriam Merad : Université de Nice (et Equipe LAMSADE Université de Paris Dauphine. PSL (Paris Sciences et lettres). Comment des méthodes d’aide à la décision multicritère et d’aide à la décision en général sont et peuvent être utilisées dans la pratique de la conception et des évaluations de politiques publiques?

    • Marc Gurgand, PSE. Paris school of economics. Evaluation randomisée. Une évaluation en pratique du simulateur SGMAP mes-aides.gouv

  • 20 mars 2018. Réalités et subtilités des nouveautés relevant des finances locales, Yann Le Meur, Ressources Consultants Finances.

  • 27 février 2018. Retour d’expérience sur l’évaluation des politiques publiques. Bernard Perret, Administrateur de l’INSEE, ingénieur général des ponts, des eaux et des forêts.

CREM – Seminars and conferences in Rennes

Invited fellows

The Center offers a research environment where international scholars can isolate themselves from the administrative and teaching activities of their home institutions to concentrate solely on their research, benefitting from all the facilities provided by the University of Rennes and of the high quality of life provided by beautiful Rennes and mesmerizing Brittany. In this respect, the Condorcet Center offers both funded and unfunded positions as Invited Fellow/Professeur Invité. Funded positions require a minimum stay of one week and involve some teaching activities. The honorarium varies with seniority and length of stay, according to French legislation. Unfunded positions offer research facilities and require only the participation to the research activities of the Center (seminars, workshops etc.). Their availability and length of stay is just limited by the accessibility of the research facilities. Should you be interested in an unfunded position please contact us.

The previous years, we had the pleasure to welcome the following professors:

  • Philippe Aghion (Harvard University, USA)

  • David Bardey (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

  • Sebastiano Bavetta (Università di Palermo, Italy)

  • Vani K. Borooah (University of Ulster, UK)

  • Geoffrey Brennan (Australian National University, Australia)

  • Marie-Laure Breuillé (University of Dijon, France)

  • Robert Breunig (Australian National University, Australia)

  • Catherine Bros (University of Paris-Est Marne La Vallée, France)

  • Alberto Cassone (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy)

  • Enrico Colombatto (University of Torino, Italy)

  • Bernard Dafflon (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)

  • Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University, Germany)

  • Dennis Epple (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)

  • Lars Feld (University of Freiburg, Germany)

  • Jean-Baptiste Fleury (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France)

  • Randall Holcombe (Florida State University, USA)

  • Miriam Hortas-Rico (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)

  • Fernando Jaramillo (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)

  • Vincenzo Galasso (Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland)

  • Emma Galli (University La Sapienza, Italy)

  • Amihai Glazer – (University of California, Irvine, USA)

  • Timothy Goodspeed (City University of New York, USA)

  • Nicolas Gravel (University of Marseille, France)

  • Bernard Grofman (University California, USA)

  • Manfred Holler (University of Hamburg, Germany)

  • Jani-Petri Laamanen (University of Tampere, Finland)

  • Santiago Lago-Peñas (REDE and University of Vigo, Spain)

  • Valentino Larcinese (London School of Economics, UK)

  • Michel Le Breton (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

  • Christoph Luelfesmann (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

  • Carla Marchese (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy)

  • Antti Moisio (VATT, Finland)

  • Dennis Mueller (University of Vienna, Austria)

  • Ilaria Petrarca (University of Verona, Italy)

  • Paola Profeta (Bocconi University, Italy)

  • Jørn Rattsø (University of Trondheim, Norway)

  • Roberto Ricciuti (University of Verona, Italy)

  • Grégoire Rota-Graziosi (IMF, USA)

  • Heikki Pursiainen (Government Institute for Economic research – VATT, Finland)

  • Janne Tukiainen (Government Institute for Economic research – VATT, Finland)

  • Gilberto Turati (University of Torino, Italy)

  • Enrico Spolaore (Tufts University, USA)

  • Gabriela Vaceková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

  • Linda Gonçalves Veiga (University of Minho, Portugal)

  • Stefan Voigt (University of Hamburg, Germany)