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Living Green is Hot

The truth is that humanity is malnourished spiritually. The biggest symptom of this illness is the ego-driven ignorance displayed in all areas of life. The first and foremost of this being the abandonment of sustainable living. The hedonistic culture has driven the exploitation of our home, the ever-giving Earth, and now, we are all paying. So, taking care of our Mother Earth should have been the first principle of life but certain cultures shoved away this basic rule.

The avatar of the Kali Yaga was once asked, “Why don’t you kill all the sinners like you did in your previous incarnations? And he replied, “Then I will have to kill all of you because you are sinners. Humanity has such a big ego that I will let them destroy themselves. Then, I will start the new golden age, a 1000 years of peace and love.” We are at that cusp of history at the moment. Things will get worse. Should we not prepare?


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So, shall we check our ego, and practice sustainable living? Green is the hottest trend now, right? Going green would help in the use of natural resources and address climate change.

It is an obvious fact that our normal earthly resources are vanishing rapidly. According to the Green Journal since 1970, the utilization of regular assets has dramatically multiplied and just keeps on developing every year. Notwithstanding, when we reuse, we are assisting with hindering the utilization of these assets. As per the EPA, for each huge load of paper we reuse, we save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000 gallons of water.



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The journal adds, the consuming of petroleum products for energy is probably the greatest supporter of environmental change. This kind of energy brings about ruinous carbon dioxide discharges that contaminate our current circumstance. One way people can assist with combating environmental change is to decrease our energy utilization. Exploration shows that changing to energy-effective machines could assist with decreasing fossil fuel byproducts by up to 19 percent. In 2017, reusing alone saved more than 184 million tons of carbon dioxide from our current circumstance. This is what could be compared to eliminating 39 million vehicles from the street in one year. Finding a way ways to ration energy in our homes can go far in decreasing fossil fuel byproducts and ensuring our planet for people in the future.

The need of the hour is for all of humanity to switch to green living like all the previous civilizations used to do. Choosing green is the need of the hours, so it is up to us to make GREEN IS HOT as our motto.

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