Body Fitness

Natural Way


I have been able to heal myself from multiple health problems, the worst of all was when I was diagnosed with stones in my kidney in 2011. I was recommended surgery immediately. I chose not to, and instead, followed a traditional remedy consisting of changing my diet and taking a lentil soup daily meant for that very problem. I am free of that worry now. A side effect of living in the USA for 13+ years was that my digestive system got out of wreck. I stopped drinking soda totally and avoided junk food or any food in cans or plastic package. I made my own yogurt daily with my own special ingredient I discovered after trying out a particular spice. Now my digestive system is as good as ever, and I have no more problems in my stomach, no gas, no liquid, only solid. Since pandemic, I have been fortunate enough to qualify to be receive free Vibrionics healing training, and been able to offer free divine healing service to people around the world. In the past eight months, I have been able to connect people to practitioners in Japan, USA, Gabon, Singapore and send remedies myself to any place in Nepal myself. I now promote only natural healing and natural food as well as creams, exercise, meditation, pranayam (breathing exercise), mantra chanting and dedicating my action to the Lord. I am a total vegetarian and spend one hour first thing in the morning doing the meditation and related exercises. I need only around five hours of sleep. I work in my office from 8 am till 10 pm.

The Simplicity of a Healthy Diet for Physical Fitness

Our body is the biggest miracle in the universe. We do not appreciate all the things going inside the body. We do not do enough to understand or appreciate the divine gift that it is. If we have enough gratitude, we would protect the million-dollar body provided to us by the divine grace for the Earth plane experiences. Imagine all those people waiting for organ transplants, and giving up hope. Let's not have to chew that bitter pill and practice some basic habits to get the maximum mileage out of the body:

1) Daily breathing exercises (Deep breathing, Fast breathing, and Alternate nostril breathing) - 15- 20 minutes

2) Physical exercises and walk barefoot on natural green grass and soul, beach, etc.

3) Positive vibration diet (Vegetarianism)

4) Enough rest and sleep to reenergize the system. (Meditation practice helps us require fewer hours of sleep.)

A plain vegetarian diet for best health

People might not be aware that food is not only for sustaining the body. The type of food we consume also influences the kind of ideas that sprout in our minds, and also the energy accumulation in our body required for spiritual growth. Negative vibes from Tamasik food will hinder our spiritual growth, while the high vibration of Satvik food builds the positive vibration required for progress in the spiritual plane.

One of the biggest problems in the world is the inability of people to control their taste buds. They are helpless in pursuit of delicious tastes to gorge upon food containing oil, salt, or sugar in excess amount. In modern times additives and different chemical substances to enhance the flavor and taste have taken control over the food choices of people. Children are becoming sick at an early age, and adults are living with the burden of excess weight and associated health problems.

The best diet for human beings is raw fruit and vegetable in a natural state, and preferably from one's own garden to be consumed as solid or made into juice. Such a diet reduces the aging process and keeps one youthful even in the middle ages. It is advisable that food should not be too spicy, hot, cold, rich, bland, or salty.

There are other important aspects of the most healthy diet regarding growing, storing, preparing, eating, and even earning a living. I will share the detail in another full article.

Sun Salutation Exercise

A 12-step full-body exercise, good for weight loss and staying younger, demo by Bollywood star actress.

Breathing for COVID-19

A breathing erercise to remove toxins from your body, and improve lung capacity to build your immunity.



Works like crazy for men and women over 30 who want to lose weight fast… especially if they’ve tried other diets, supplements and workout plans but haven’t gotten any lasting results.


The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.


Transforming into a new life after 40! Only thing to lose body fat and aging. A simple after-dinner ritual to design a new youthful and leaner self.


Seven basic poses good for beginners and for people of all ages for good health.

Weight Loss & BELLY FAT

Yoga for Weight Loss & Belly Fat, Complete Beginners Fat Burning Workout at Home Exercises


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A simple but a life-saving choice for 2020-2021. Find some really creatively designed masks to make a fashion statement. Nothing precious like yourself! These are the masks I have designed myself to stand out from others available in the market.