Awakened Soul

The Power of the Elevated Souls

Only a few of us have been able to attain enlightenment.  It is the possibility of the cosmic awareness and oneness of energy to merge with the source.  It is possible but needs continuous focus, contemplation, and spiritual practices along with complete faith. 

One of the most impressive things I have learned about highly spiritual souls is that they do not have to die.  Yes, you might be surprised to hear that and may not even believe it. The fact is that these mystics and enlightened souls enter into what is called "samadhi," a final meditative session in which they leave their bodies willingly after they accomplish the task they have come to do. 

There are such samadhi spots all across the pilgrimage and holy sites in the world, mostly South Asia that has thousands of years of spiritually accomplished souls inhabiting and sharing the deepest knowledge about the universe itself.  I live in the foothill in the Himalayan region of Nepal, and there is a temple with a folklorish story associated with it.  There are a couple of samadhis of the priests who used to take care of the temple, which is also an energy center. 

The story about that priest is linked to a renowned Guru called the Pilot Baba, who was serving in the Indian Army.  In the 1962 War with China, he lost control of his MIG and was helpless enough to fear a certain collision. At that moment, Hari Baba, the priest from this Trikhandi Temple, appeared in the cockpit and helped him escape death, with the promise that he would give up this path and adopt the spiritual one.  Hari Baba vanished once they both got off the cockpit to the astonishment of all the people in the airport.  It was after many years of search that Pilot Baba located Hari Baba in his temple. 

Such stories of unbelievable incidents are the normal aspect of spirituality.  It may seem impossible for other ordinary individuals to seek such elevated status and perform miraculous feats, however, it is an opportunity that is available to every individual born on this planet. An avatar has said that the purpose of our life is to realize that we are all divine. Spirituality is the path to that highest station of creation. 

Below is the temple where Hari Baba was the priest. Click on the image to see the celebration of the biggest festival in the year.

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Steve Jobs' spiritual journey 

India both traumatized Steve Jobs and changed his life. He returned to Atari a Buddhist, and a more focused and hardened individual.


BioEnergy Code is a product that focuses on using Guided Meditation as a solution to clear negative blockages at different energy centers within our body. When the negative blockages are cleared, it allows a person to finally able manifest what he/she wants into reality. 


The Unified Theory Of Ram Dass

In 1967 the noted Harvard psychedelic explorer Dr. Richard Alpert was transformed into Ram Dass by a Hindu guru in the foothills of the Himalayas. He then came back to the States with a vision of spirituality that transformed hippie America. Now the message of this 87-year-old teacher who keeps images of both Barack Obama and Donald Trump on his altar has taken on a profound new resonance.  Read Full Story Here


Are you ready for even more? Then Meet the Hugging Saint of India

Amma:The Hugging Saint

Her mere touch can transform your life. She travels across the world and has hugged millions of people seeking blessings. 

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Listen to the experiences of the blessed one who were graced by divinity. If you have come this far, then you are definitely of a different elements and you have elevated to the point of being the instruments of God! 

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This is called the Kali Yuga in the Vedic texts, the most ancient spiritual guidance. The best thing about this age is that it provides an opportunity for any individual to take leaps in spiritual advancement. Check out more than 400 interviews in SOULJOURNS channel of ordinary individuals who have found grace and spiritual fulfillment.