Lusaka, Zambia @ 22,600km

Lusaka, Zambia 22,600km

As we plod on to the south we reach Lusaka. Lusaka is described as becoming something of a boom town of late. The capital covers an area of over 70km2 and is one of the fastest-growing cities in this part of the continent. It’s population almost trebled in the immediate post-independence era (1964) and continues to grow daily. The new developments and sprawling suburbs mean that peak hour traffic is becoming an issue, so it would be wise for our runners to keep to the pavements.

Incredibly though, over 60% of the city’s inhabitants are unemployed, so even the pavements may be fairly congested! English is the chosen language of the city’s administrators so this should make finding our way around fairly easy. The city is literally at the crossroads of the country with links to the main highways to the east, west, north and south.

Lusaka is well known for its markets, a hive of bustling activity, with thousands of stalls set up and cleared away on a daily basis. Stalls will sell anything from fruit to car parts. Particularly popular is “salaula”, this is discarded clothing from Europe sold by the bale. So this may be a good opportunity to replace any running gear necessary.

If our athletes are feeling peckish perhaps they could treat themselves to a carb-load of Nshima, this is the staple meal of Zambia. It is made from corn that is processed into a fine white powder called ‘mealie meal’. It is cooked by mixing the corn meal with water which is brought to the boil like porridge. Nshima is served with either meat or fish and one or two vegetables.