Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone run?

To run, you must be a member of Health Unlocked Bridge to 10k or Marathon & you must “register” to take part on that site (link)

Where do I enter run details?

After you have registered on HU, a link to enter your run details will be sent to you via private message. Please bookmark the link. If you don’t have the link, send a private message to Charlies1, Irish-John or RunAroundSue

When do I enter run details

We suggest that you enter your run/walk distance once per day.

If you have covered less than 5km, you can wait & add it to the next day’s total


What3Words divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words.

It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations. We use what3words to describe the end point of reach run.

Map can’t find route between points

To map your run, we use an approximation of location (to nearest 1km). Sometimes, that will be just off the route & the mapping service won’t be able to find a route.

Why are we using Cycling Directions?

There are no directions for running. We looked at the walking directions & the cycling directions. We chose to use cycling as we preferred that route. We can run anywhere that a bike can go.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is available here: https://sites.google.com/view/cogh-ultra-relay/home/privacy-policy