Pole of Cold @ 3200km

Pole of Cold @ 3200km

At this point on our journey, we are only 100km from Oymyakon, the coldest inhabited place on Earth, and 700km from Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world!

The valley of Oymyakon in Yakutia is known as the Pole of Cold and with average January temperatures of -50C, it is no wonder the village is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement in the world. The coldest ever temperature recorded in Oymyakon was -71.2C. This is the lowest recorded temperature for any permanently inhabited location on Earth and the lowest temperature recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. This area truly experiences the ‘Siberian winter’ as it is known around the world.

World's coldest marathon: https://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/coldest-race-in-the-world-is-run-at-52c-in-yakutia/




Even the cows have to wear insulated bras when outside:
