Official Royal Statements

Royal Statements From King James

Royal Statement On The New Flag Of Cocklpot

His Majesty, Grand High King James, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To The Enstating Of The New Cocklpotian Flag, On The 14th Of October In The Year 2022 At 11:35pm Local Time.

“With the enstating of this flag we begin a new chapter for this, our great nation. This flag has been designed by the greatest artists within our borders and is a symbol of national pride and a new banner for all Cocklpotians to rally under. This marks the beginning of a new era for Cocklpot, an era of expansion, of continued prosperity and an era of progress. As your King, I will continue to lead you to the best of my ability and with true and utter devotion. Under this new flag, we will forge a future to be proud of and carve out a place within this world for Cocklpot and all her peoples.”

Royal Statement On The Establisment Of The Kings Armed Forces

His Majesty, Grand High King James, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To The Enstating Of The Kings Armed Forces, On The 18th Of December In The Year 2022 At 3:18pm Local Time.

After much careful consideration, the Privy Council and I have decided to formally establish a standing military force for our Kingdom that will serve both a defensive and offensive role. With the establishment of the first official military force in the history of our great Kingdom, we are now stronger as a nation, we are now protected from those who would seek to strip us of our sovereignty, and we are now able to continue this new age of expansion for our Kingdom as we seek to expand our borders. The signing of this act by myself and my brother, High Prince Jayden, officially puts into law the structure and organisational outline of what will grow into a grand army. This new era of expansion, continued prosperity and progress which we now find ourselves in, has only just begun.

Royal Statement On The Mutual Recognition Treaty With The Kingdom Of Kinsella

His Majesty, Grand High King James, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To The Signing Of The Mutual Recognition Treaty With Kinsella, On The 21st Of January In The Year 2023 At 10:35pm Local Time.

“After much careful consideration, the Privy Council and I have decided to enter into an agreement of mutual recognition with the Kingdom of Kinsella. This treaty will help to ensure that our boarders and culture are not torn down as well as helping to expand our influence and diplomatic outreach among the international community. Furthermore, this treaty promotes our shared ideals of equality, social progression, sustainability and more to the rest of the world. We are overjoyed that this agreement has been signed by both nations and hope that this can turn into an extreamly helpful arangment for both of our Kingdoms. To all the people of Cocklpot, to all my subjects, my citizens, my people; I want to thank you for your support and loyalty. This new era of expansion, continued prosperity and progress for Cocklpot, and for those who stand with us, has only just begun.”

Royal Statement On The Mutual Recognition Treaty With The Kingdom Of Spruce Hill

His Majesty, Grand High King James, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To The Signing Of The Mutual Recognition Treaty With Spruce Hill, On The 30th Of January In The Year 2023 At 3:08pm Local Time.

“After much careful consideration, the decision to enter into an agreement of mutual recognition with the Kingdom of Spruce Hill has been made. This treaty will help to ensure that our boarders and national values are not put under threat and will greatly aid in our efforts to expand our influence and diplomatic outreach among the international community. Moreover, this treaty ensures that our two kingdoms will support each other as we strive to spread our mutual values of social progression, intermicronationl co-operation, peace and more to the larger micronational community and to the world as a whole.

I am overjoyed that this agreement has been signed by the King of Spruce Hill, King George I, and wish to give him my regards and my respect not only a fellow King, but as an ally and as a friend. To all the people of Cocklpot, to all my subjects, my citizens, my people and to all allies and friends of Cocklpot; I, King James, humbly thank each and every one of you for all that you do for our nation, for our kingdom. I wish the people of Spruce Hill all the best in all they set out to do and hope that this treaty will mark the start of long lasting friendship between our two great kingdoms.

This new era of expansion, of continued prosperity and of progress for Cocklpot, and all of our allies, has only just begun.”

Official Announcment On The Engagment Of King James & Lady Nirvika

Royal Statements From Prince Jayden

Royal Statement On The Awarding Of Peerage Titles

His Royal Highness, High Prince Jayden, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To His Being Awarded The Peerage Titles Of "Duke Of Thiltum" And "Viscount Of The Blood", On The 27th Of November In The Year 2022 At 10:23pm Local Time.

With the newfound responsibilities granted to me by His Majesty, Grand High King James, I pledge that, to my fullest ability, I will treat these lands with respect and give the foremost consideration to those whom I now represent. I graciously and with humility accept the Duchy of Thiltum and the title of Duke, as well as the title of Viscount and the powers associated with them. I vow to use these newfound powers to promote and bring about the continuation of this new era of prosperity and progress for not only the Duchy of Thiltum but for all of Cocklpot.

Royal Statements From Princess Charlotte

Royal Statement On The Establishment Of The Princess' Medal

Her Royal Highness, High Princess Charlotte, Issued The Following Official Statement, In Relation To Her Establishment Of The Princess' Medal, On The 2nd Of Febuary In The Year 2023 At 10:51pm Local Time.

I, High Princess Charlotte, have created this national medal to honour those who donate to and work for charities. I believe that all acts of charity should be praised although certain ones deserve recognition and honour, therefore, I have gained the permission of my brother, Grand High King James, to establish the Princess' medal. This new honour will serve as a way for both myself and for Cocklpot to thank and recognise the hard work of these individuals that put others above themselves, whether that be by donating thousands or very little, as long as they are willing to make a change and are not seeking to gain recognition and false honour.