The History Of Cocklpot

The Founding Of Cocklpot

Founded on the 21st of May in the year 2021 by His Majesty, Grand High King James, The Grand High Kingdom Of Cocklpot is a nation that seeks to hold onto the traditions of the past in a way that can connect with the values and virtues of a modern society.

In founding our great nation HM GH King James sought to create a kingdom that was free from many of the issues that he saw within other nations, such as prejudice and a lack of tolerance towards those who come from other lands and those who are of a different cultural and/ or religious background from the majority of the population, this in part led to the seperation of church and state that is seen in Cocklpot today.

The Grand High Kingdom Of Cocklpot, under the guidance of our Monarch, seeks to encourage good relations between our citizens and the citizens of other nations as well as continuing to strive for a more peaceful and understanding world.

HM - Abbreviation of "His/ Her Majesty"

GH - Abbreviation of "Grand High"

The Cocklpotian Arts

HM GH King James places a special emphasis on the importance of creativity, self-expression and the arts. This has led to the King granting his approval to show works of his choosing on the official website of Cocklpot.

These can be found all over the main website and a secondary website is currently in the process of being created to showcase all of the hand picked works.

These works gain a 'Royal Seal of Approval' and can apply to be granted a 'Royal Warrent' to form a company or other institution of the arts.

Submisions for the King to look over can be submitted to the email found on the "Contact Us" page of this website.

HM - Abbreviation of "His/ Her Majesty"

GH - Abbreviation of "Grand High"

A Breif Timeline Of Some Key Events

(Current as of 30th January 2023)

-More Coming Soon-