Frequently Asked Questions

What is NJROTC looking for?

The NJROTC program requires three recommendations from teachers in your school or external professionals who have trained you or have knowledge of your talents. The NJROTC program also requires an interview, which is another variable that helps our instructors and school faculty decided if the applicant would be a good fit in the program/school. 

This table helps to break down the importance of each variable of the application process for all twelve magnet programs. The NJROTC program is listed second to last.

Who should I ask for a recommendation?

Ask two teachers or administrators who know you well and can provide feedback on your interests, academic work, and likelihood of success in the program(s) to which you are applying. Select these individuals carefully and ask those teachers who teach classes that most closely resemble the focus of the program (e.g., ask your science and math teachers if you are applying to Science and Engineering; ask your English and social studies teachers if you are applying to Law & Public Service). Teacher recommendations are completed in our online application program. Recommendations are in the form of a Likert scale and are confidential (students and parents/guardians cannot see them).

Some programs (Culinary, FPAC, JROTC, LEPS) require an additional recommendation from another teacher in your school or external professional who has trained you or has knowledge of your talents.

When will you review my application?

We will monitor the applications coming into our system during the application period, but we will not begin the review process until after all parts of the application are complete, including parts that are coming from your school and your recommenders. You will be able to check your dashboard in the application so that you can be assured that all parts have been completed. Note that applications that are incomplete (that is, missing required items such as, but not limited to, essays and extra-curricular list) will not move forward for consideration.

When will I find out if I have been accepted?

We are planning to notify students in mid-February. We notify applicants via email to log back into our online application system to obtain their status.

The selection process considers many different criteria and involves large amounts of data collection with partner middle schools. As such, the selection process is a lengthy one. Private schools, the Monmouth County Vocational School District, and other schools have selection and registration processes that are separate from the FRHSD. We are unable to accommodate requests for early decision

What is the waiting list and how does it work?

Because we have limited positions in each program, we begin by offering enrollment to the top students who qualify for admission. However, not all those students choose to enroll. Therefore, we offer other students who meet all the standards for acceptance a place on the wait list. As students make their choices to enroll or not, we invite students from the wait list to enroll. Because this is a fluid process, we cannot tell you your likelihood for acceptance. We encourage you to make decisions based on your interests. Students may accept a place on one or two wait lists.

Why must I interview for JROTC? How do I schedule an appointment?

This program is focused on a student’s talents and potential for growth in unique areas of interest. The professionals who work in and with this program will evaluate you, utilizing carefully designed criteria. You will be emailed in mid-December specific details.