Art & Photography

"Rules do not make the painting; it is the artist with a soul and vision who creates the art expressions."

- Chitrasutra (Ancient Bharatha's Fine Arts Text)

"What is Art? It is the response of creative soul to the call of Real"

- Rabindarnath Tagore (Nobel Laurate, Literature, 1913)

"Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is" -Anonymous

"For me the subject of the picture is more important than the picture"- A photographer


Drawings -by Sahana Madhyastha

Namasthe! My name is Sahana Madhyastha! My parents are Nagabushana and Gouri Madhyastha, and I have an older brother named Shreedhara Madhyastha. We live in Bradford, Ontario. I am 13 years old, and am currently in grade 8! I love to draw, and would like to show some of my drawings here!

3D Perspective Art by Aashika Bhat


My name is Aashika Bhat. My parents are Usha Kuloor and Gopalakrishna Bhat and I have an older brother named Anoop Bhat. We live in North Wales, Pennsylvania. I am 14 years old and in 9th grade. Here is one painting that I made!

School Drawing By Amrutha Bhat

Namaste, my name is Amrutha Bhat. My parents are Aparna Ramarao and Manjunath Bhat. I am currently in grade 5 and I love art!

My teacher gave my class an assignment to a draw a spirit animal that is similar to me in some way. I chose to draw a lynx because they have amazing eye sight, just like me (unlike my brother).


"My Favorite Moments!" by Bhakti Hegde (NJ)

I hope you all enjoy this small photo album I made of some of my most favorite moments: Broadway, Art Shows, Holi, and some selfies with Horses!! The link is down below! You can access my album by copying and pasting the link into the search box. Enjoy!
