Future Plans

Putting this portfolio together has been illuminating. Reflecting in depth has helped me see past tasks and accomplishments in a new light, and helped me better understand the path I’m on and my own strengths and weaknesses.

I realise I have a long way to go until I am happy with my level of knowledge and technical skill; perhaps I never will be, but as long as I am constantly aiming to improve I know I’m doing something right. I feel I have an appropriate range of skills and knowledge for a learning designer, but not as much experience as I’d like in some areas, like the application of learning theories to create better collaborative activities. I want to continually improve my understanding of pedagogy. My work with more experienced designers, and reading blogs by leaders in the field, like Cathy Moore, inspires me to do better. At the moment I am enjoying my current role, and I want to carry on contributing to better working practices, better course design, and a better experience for my learners. I would like to make more use of OERs, and investigate more innovative uses of learning technology.

My current CPD plans involve applying for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and eventually full fellowship, taking more formal training wherever possible, and generally deepening my knowledge of the field. I want to take more MOOCs, as I have found they have been excellent for sharing ideas with other designers… and getting perspectives from other learners, because when it comes down to it I am always a learner myself!