Summary of recent work/practice (2024)

I always enjoy revisiting my CMALT portfolio as it gives me a chance to review my progress. Again, I feel I have developed a great deal over the last three years. Although I am still pleased with my original portfolio, the examples it contains date from 2015 to 2018. My skills have come far since then, along with my ability to use those skills to directly benefit my learners.

For the last two years I have achieved the top rating in my PDR, reflecting my increased responsibilities within the team since my promotion to Lead Learning Designer in 2022. 

I always strive to support my colleagues, and our work was recognised at the ALT awards in December 2021; I wrote the video submission script for our entry into the 'Learning Technology Team of the Year' category, and we achieved third place, recognising our team effort in the Transform project.

As mentioned in Section 1 of the 2021 refresh, I co-wrote the module design guidelines that fed into the Transform project, prioritising active and authentic learning.

My team at the ALT awards

New MSc programme

My day-to-day learning design work still includes assisting academics with the creation of modules and programmes; for example, I have played a key role in designing and building the MSc programme in Innovation in Sustainable Built Environments, which focuses on new approaches to sustainable development, aimed at current and aspiring leaders in the field.

I have also taken on the lead role in writing key modules myself. These include Energy and Carbon in the Built Environment, a 25-hour CPD course aimed at taken by thousands of students from around the world. It was subsequently adapted into compulsory training for all staff, and has been adapted for use in the new MSc.

I also rewrote a first-year undergraduate module centring on the use of digital technology in the built environment; after my rewrite, overall student satisfaction for the module jumped from an average of 2.8/5 to 4.2/5, accompanied by a significant increase in pass rates.

Energy and Carbon course

As is clear above, I have continued developing my learning design skills in this period. Early in 2023, I took on an additional role as the department’s artificial intelligence (AI) lead. This included a responsibility to discover and implement ways to improve our working practices using AI tools, and as part of this I began a Level 7 AI apprenticeship. I will discuss this more in section 2.

My 2021 future plans also indicated I would apply for full Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) status. I have now been awarded FHEA status in March 2024.

As UCEM's second ever CMALT holder, I still mentor and assist my teammates as they work towards achieving their own CMALT certification. Four of my current colleagues now hold CMALT or SCMALT status.