Chinese Language Teachers Association-Oregon is a regional association affiliated with the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA-US). Our Mission Statement and Goals line up with CLTA-US.

Mission Statement:

CLTA-OR promotes the study of Chinese language and culture in an international context. Given the importance of the Chinese speaking world and its global cultural, social, economic, and political impact, our mission is to promote the Chinese language as a tool for communication worldwide. As a professional organization, CLTA-OR represents Chinese language teachers in all educational settings in the state of Oregon. It supports establishing and sustaining quality Chinese programs, K-16 articulation, teacher education, and professional development, and research relating to all aspects of teaching and learning about Chinese languages and cultures. The Association is committed to providing leadership, scholarship, and service to its members and to all sectors of society.


  1. Provide leadership to expand the capacity for high quality and sustainable Chinese language learning and teaching in the State of Oregon.

  2. Develop, improve, and strengthen the Chinese language and culture instruction.

  3. Establish a forum for exchanging information, expertise, ideas, experiences, and materials.

  4. Enhance the growth of the organization via professional service to the field.

  5. Foster quality scholarship based on theoretical and empirical research.

俄勒冈州中文教师学会 (Chinese Language Teachers Association -- Oregon) 隶属于美国中文教师学会 (Chinese Language Teachers Association,USA),分享其办会宗旨与目标,是一个为本州各层面中文教师服务的非营利性组织。

​ 学会自2005年成立以来,联合、组织、培训、督导了包括公立、私立、公立特许、民办等学校的中文教师,以及在校相关专业大学生。学会理事会组有教师培训部 (小学部,中学部,大学部),职介会议部,教学资源部,财务网络部和会员总务部。

​ 学会目前开展的工作包括:向会员老师提供教学参考文献,组织职前与在职老师召开研习会议,随时发布全国各地的中文教师职缺信息,转发各类中文教学学术会议邀请,为职前教师寻找代课机会,并为中文家庭教师构建服务社会的舞台。

​ 希望各位对中文教学感兴趣的人士,尽早加入我们,分享资源,开阔工作视野,为推动中文教学在俄勒冈州,乃至全美国的发展作出自己的贡献。

更多培训、工作和会议信息经由 Google Group 和 WeChat "俄勒冈州中文教师群" 发布,请联系 clta.oregon@gmail.com 申请加入联系列表。