Character Creation

First, pick which variety of supernatural creature you are: Vampire, Shifter or Changeling.

  • You may want to look at The Moon and see which kind of linear is primarily associated with which creature type - although you are not restricted on only going on linears associated with your type, it will be easier for you to get places on linears that do correspond to it.

  • Your creature type has no direct effect on your stats for live or tabletop play.

Then, think a bit about what your character is like:

  • What's their name?

  • What do they do when they're not hunting monsters?

    • How did they become / find out they were a supernatural?

    • How do they cope with the needs/demands of their creature type, e.g. feeding or dealing with their urges?

    • Do they have a job? Where / how do they live?

    • This might be a good time to put together a few ideas for Touchstones you might want to recruit

      • Although don't get too attached to details because you'll need to talk this through with whoever is volunteering to play them!

  • How did they find out about / get involved with CLS?

    • Did they seek out other supernaturals (either to fight with or for safety), get into trouble and need to be rescued, or just get unexpectedly bundled into the UCH Panic Room one evening to keep them safe from the Dark Moon?

If you're planning to come to any of the online events it's a good idea to think about a starting set of Tabletop stats - it's a very simple system, and you can change your mind if you don't get on with your first pick.

Similarly, if you're planning to come to a live linear, take a look at the Live system and pick out a class, skill and background - if you're unsure of what might work well for you, come to the Discord server and ask the friendly stats nerds in #ask-the-playerbase - or the refs in #ask-a-ref.