
Co-planning is a critical element in the co-teaching cycle. So what exactly is "co-planning"? We define co-planning as two or more teachers actively engaging in planning. During co-planning, teachers agree on instructional goals and a timeline for instruction, analyze evidence of student learning, select or develop instructional tasks, select instructional tools, and design an assessment plan to prepare a lesson.  

During co-planning, the focus is on "planning for learning", not only "planning for teaching". Planning for teaching is necessary, but if planning only focuses on what the teacher(s) will be doing during instruction, then we are missing the most important aspect of teaching...the students! By shifting the focus to planning for learning, teacher(s) first consider student learning, then address what the teacher will be doing to support student learning. We utilize several guiding questions to support teachers to focus on learning during the co-planning process:

Co-Planning Strategies

Based on our collective work with interns and mentor teachers, we developed six co-planning strategies to operationalize the co-planning process. Each strategy defines the role of each teacher in the co-planning process, as well as the distribution of labor. 

Click on the image to view/download a copy of the co-planning strategies handout.

Click on the videos below to explore each strategy!

One Plans, One Assists

Partner Planning

One Reflects, One Plans

One Plans, One Reacts

Parallel Planning

Team Planning

Co-Planning Wrap Up