Co-Planning and Co-Teaching

What do you think of when you hear the terms "co-planning" & "co-teaching" in clinical experiences?

Is "co-planning" an intern and mentor teacher sitting down together planning a lesson from start to finish?  Is "co-teaching" an intern and mentor teacher simultaneously teaching a lesson together?

Well YES, and NO!! Co-planning and Co-teaching may include these two scenarios, BUT they are also so much MORE!!

Essential Elements of Co-Teaching

Effective co-teaching is comprised of four essential elements: co-planning, co-instructing, co-assessing, and co-reflecting. Working collaboratively within each of these elements is critical to developing a co-teaching classroom that positively impacts student learning. Our work focuses on the first two elements, co-planning and co-instruction, within secondary mathematics education clinical experiences .

Take a few minutes to watch the video below to learn more!! 

A New Vision

This video includes more information on how we define co-teaching, how co-teaching requires a shift in paradigm, and compares/contrasts a "traditional" internship with CPCT.

Now that you have a little more background, please explore more...