Upcoming Events


Do It Green (DIG) Days - Fourth (usually) Saturday of the month

Are you concerned about the climate crisis including global warming, loss of species, and pollinator problems? If so, please remember, trees are the most natural carbon sink and UUCA has woods, actually a token forest.  Other trees were preserved while more were planted when the parking lot was paved several years ago. And, RE classes planted our native VA pollinator garden in 2015. Let’s work together to help the trees and other native plants on the UUCA grounds thrive.

DIG DAY, July 22, 9:00 am - 11:00am
Join us to ensure the native plants and trees on the UUCA grounds and the biodiversity they support thrive.  Please bring tools, gloves and a trash bag if you have them.

Contact Shirley (shirleywg@icloud.com) or Sonia (surbom@gmail.com) if you have questions.

NOTE:  We will switch back to 10:00am-12:00pm in the fall when the weather cools down.