Take Action

Unitarian Universalists are called to bring the interdependent web of life back into balance

UUCA Groups Supporting Our 7th Principal:

Learn more or volunteer to realize the Green Lens policy at UUCA and get involved with other climate justice actions that support the 7th UU principle.

Climate Crisis Action Coalition (CCAC): Get involved, email: uucaclimatecoalition@gmail.com or fill out this form to be added to our mailing list.

Do It Green (DIG): DIG’s primary goal is to preserve and protect the natural community of plants and animals that exist on the UUCA grounds. DIG promotes and educates members and the broader community on the ecological benefits of native plants. Contact, cliffordgay@mac.com and shirleywg@icloud.com. To subscribe to the listserv email: uuca_dig_steering@yahoogroups.com.

EcoAction Listserv: Sharing environmental and climate justice information and events, to subscribe, email uuecoaction-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

There are many ways and levels at which you can take action to lower your carbon footprint and environmental impact:

Want to know what your carbon footprint is? Calculate it and join the challenge to reduce it by joining the UUCA Community Group at http://werenew.net!

A few simple steps you can take to reduce your individual carbon footprint:

  • Conserve energy – Change lightbulbs to LEDs. Install smart thermostats. Set your home air conditioning to 78 (or 80); heating at 68 or 70 degrees. Maintain your HVAC system. Use a solar dryer. Is your house properly insulated? Find out by getting an energy audit.

  • Drive less – walking is good for you, and the planet! Carpool! Take the bus/Metro! Bike! Scooter! Telework when possible.

  • Eat less meat/eat local – It takes 2,500 gallons of water, 12 pounds of grain, 35 pounds of topsoil and the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline to produce one pound of feedlot beef. A British study shows that meat lover’s diets cause double the climate-warming emissions of vegetarian diets. Do we really need blueberries in January shipped from Chile?

Actions you can take to make a bigger impact:

Take personal action

Take local action

Take statewide action