Teaching - Didattica

YEAR 2023-2024:

ALGEBRA 2: Laurea in Matematica, University of Insubria, fall term. For further details please see the course official webpage (in the Uninsubria website), or this subpage (in Italian). This course has been given by V. Monti (see here) till 2022-2023.

ADVANCED ALGEBRA A (Lie Algebras): Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, University of Insubria, fall term. Topics:  introduction to Lie algebras. For further details please see the course official webpage (in the Uninsubria website), or this subpage (in Italian). 


YEAR 2024-2025:

ALGEBRA 2: Laurea in Matematica, University of Insubria, fall term. This course has been given by V. Monti (see here) till 2022-2023.

ADVANCED ALGEBRA B (Algebraic Number Theory): Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, University of Insubria, fall term. The course will provide an introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: rings of algebraic integers in number fields, unique factorization of ideals, ideal class group, Dirichlet's unit Theorem, cyclotomic extensions, Kummer's proof of Fermat Last Theorem for regular primes. Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Galois Theory.


YEAR 2022-2023:

ADVANCED ALGEBRA B (Lie Algebras): Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, University of Insubria, spring term. Topics:  introduction to Lie algebras. For further details please see the course official webpage (in the Uninsubria website), or this subpage (in Italian). This course has been given by V. Monti (see here) till 2020-2021.

FUNDAMENTALS OF ADVANCED ALGEBRA (Galois Theory): Laurea in Matematica, University of Insubria, spring term. Topics: Galois theory. For further details see the course official webpage (on the Uninsubria website), or this subpage. (in Italian). This course has been given by tenute da V. Monti (see here) till 2020-2021

YEAR 2021-2022:

ALGEBRA LINEARE E GEOMETRIA (Linear Algebra): Laurea in Fisica and Laurea in Matematica, Università Milano-Bicocca, fall term, teaching assistant of the official teacher Prof.ssa F. Dalla Volta

ADVANCED ALGEBRA A (Galois Theory): Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, University of Insubria, spring term. Topics: Galois theory. For further details see the course official webpage, or the course page on elearning.uninsubria. 

YEAR 2020-2021:

PROFINITE GROUPS AND PRO-p GROUPS: course delivered for the Joint PhD School in Mathematics of the Universities of Milano-Bicocca and of Pavia, winter term (Jan.-Mar. 2021).  For an overview on the course, see here. The program - and some stuff related to the course - are (will be) available in this subpage

YEAR 2019-2020:




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