
Lunch invitation v7 13 Oct.docx

Wakefield Gate Project Launch

The project was launched in the Minster on Thursday 24 March 2022, with an appreciative audience and in the presence of the Worshipful the Mayor of Calderdale, Cllr. Chris Pillai, and Chris Harris DL. The programme comprised a series of short presentations by Committee members  on aspects of the Wakefield Gate, the medieval route east over Beacon Hill with its medieval Hollow Way. There was a demonstration of the skills of sett-laying, and then the premiere of our film made with HaloVue "Halifax's Historic Wakefield Gate". Apart from raising the profile of the route and HCT, the project has provided information boards at both ends, and proper signposting along the route, together with the compilation of a walkers' guide. The latter are available at £1 from the BID Hub off Woolshops and from Calderdale Libraries.