"Screened Off" Installation

“Screened Off” is an interactive art installation, part of the "Shedding Light" exhibition in the Lobby. which will include semi-translucent fabric panels suspended from cables. The main panel will be two layers stitched into small pockets, and block-printed with an agender human figure in silhouette. Each viewer will take a small, pre-cut piece of rice paper in a flesh tone of their choice and write a short response to this question:

Describe a moment when you felt isolated from others in your environment because of your cultural identity.

This universal prompt allows for the viewers to participate whether they identify as Asian-American, Pacific Islander, Jewish, or any other marginalized group, as well as those who are coming into a predominantly AAPI or Jewish group from outside the culture. When they finish writing, they will place their story into a pocket in the large panel(s).