Yoga classes

classes available in 2021

YOGA with Joan Stuart

Monday, 9.30 am - Deep Stretch Yoga (60 mins) - Passcode: YogaDen

Monday, 7.30 pm - Yin Yoga (60 mins) - Passcode: YogaDen

Tuesday, 12.30 - Vinyasa Flow (45 mins) - Passcode: YogaDen

Tuesday, 7.00 pm - Evening Vinyasa Flow (60 mins) - Passcode: YogaDen

Zoom link for all of Joan's classes - Meeting ID: 833 4487 4207 Passcode: YogaDen

PLEASE NOTE - Morag Findlay's classes have now finished

class Descriptions

Strong vinyasa (45 mins)

An energising practice designed to invigorate and wake up the body and mind whilst emphasising the connection between breath and movement. This class will warm the muscles and heat through a steady, deep, yet unrushed flow of classic yoga poses combining a solid anatomical basis and mindful movement, leaving students feeling grounded, energised, balanced and ready for the day ahead.

Focus: Improving cardio, strength, flexibility, focus and all-round fitness

Suitability: Those with some experience of yoga postures

Benefits: Energy and inner strength

Yin yoga (60 mins)

A class for anyone who wants to pause, find some space and take time for themselves. The intention is to work on connective tissues, most particularly the fascia. As we age, our bones begin to degenerate, we lose mobility in our joints, and our fascia tightens. Gently working on these connective tissues, the body responds by making that tissue longer and stronger. It also stimulates and remove blockages in the myofascial meridians in the body, which in turn balances the body’s internal organs and systems. There are no planks, no warriors, no core work or dynamic sun salutations - the pace is slow and most poses are held for periods of between 2-5 minutes.

Focus: Relaxing muscular effort (the Yang tissues), allowing the body to stretch the thicker layers of connective tissues around the joints (the Yin tissues), unravelling areas of tension that dynamic yoga practice can't always access

Suitability: Everyone. No previous experience of yoga or meditation is required but can also be an ideal complement for those who practice a more active style of yoga

Benefits: Reduces aches and pains, replenishes energy and relaxes both body and mind

Vinyasa flow (45 mins)

A fluid flowing class with emphasis on linking breath and movement. This class works on building up strength, flexibility, focus and good breathing habits by working through classic yoga postures such as sun salutation variations, standing, seated and balance postures.

Focus: Improving flexibility, muscle tone, mind-body awareness and better all-round fitness.

Suitability: Experienced yogis and beginners alike. You will be given detailed instruction for each posture.

Benefits: Well rounded yoga class resulting in overall wellbeing.


Hear from Linda Wood, Jane Bell, Frances Chisholm and Pamela Innes about their experience of yoga at City of Glasgow College.

Click to expand the document opposite

Yoga Testimonials.docx