
free sessions available:

Mindfulness Sessions with Laura Buchanan:

(*please note earlier start time for Wednesday and Friday sessions*)

Monday, 4.00 pm - Introduction to Mindfulness (60 mins) - Passcode: 296662

Wednesday, 9.00 am - Mindfulness Practice (30 mins) - Passcode: 296662

Friday, 9.00 am - Mindfulness Practice (30 mins) - Passcode: 296662

Zoom link to all of Laura's sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6224361679?pwd=YUw3bHBWc1NaQlhsUUtPbmlnK01lUT09 (Passcode: 296662)

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is “paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally” (Jon Kabat-Zinn).

  • On purpose: learning to focus your attention

  • In the present: learning to focus on the present moment not to get stuck in the past or future

  • Non-judgementally: learning to offer yourself and others acceptance and kindness

Click on the image to learn more

Welcome to Mindfulness.mp4

Welcome to mindfulness - video with Laura Buchanan

4-min video

Mindfulness audio practices

A range of short audio sessions on Body scan, Mindful Breathing, Deep Relaxation, Cultivating Kindness and more.