Basically, you can ONLY access teams via a VPN (which has to be set up separately and I had IT help me with)—you can’t use the extranet EPIC. Alternatively you could use a campus computer (but that defeats the whole purpose of staying all day in your PJ bottoms)

Then you have to access Epic by going to and clicking the epic icon from there which will open epic via the VPN

Then once inside a telehealth encounter, go all the way to the right and click the down arrow to see the list of all those apps you never use and scroll all the way to the bottom where you should see Video Visit Connect

Which will then link out to the teams application that you should already have downloaded to your desktop (because who by now doesn’t have teams, zoom and Webex all downloaded on any possible device you have access to)

And it will open in your desktop teams application and you just have to wait for the attending you’re working with to let you into the meeting (they have the ability to admit you and not the family at the same time so that you can do introductions and hear a little bit about the patient as well). Hopefully those instructions were clear!