Light Bulb

Writing and sharing ideas through the CETL Weekly Teaching Tips series

How to Gain Student Feedback Mid-Semester (or Earlier): Teaching Tip

How to Gain Valuable Student Feedback Mid-Semester (or Earlier)

February 24, 2020

Feedback should be a frequent practice in a course, but approaching the mid-semester, students have more evidence of their progress in a course. This teaching tip offers ideas for how to engage students in productive reflection.

Note-taking Learning Tip

What Makes Note-taking Work?: A Learning Tip

January 17, 2020

It doesn’t so much matter how you take notes, but how engaged you are with the concepts being discussed. There are some keys to making sure you are engaged in the process in a way that will help you remember and apply concepts.

Silence in Discussion? Pause and Write: Teaching Tip
Productivity Calendar, Your Personal Assistant: Teaching Tip

Silence in Discussion? Pause and Write

January 10, 2020

Instead of dreading the silence, keep students in the moment by giving them time to write, reflect, and re-engage. The act of writing can help all types of learners slow down and process the content being discussed.

Productivity Calendar: Your Personal Assistant

After years of reading research about productivity, I came up with a time management system that helps thwart procrastination, stay organized, increase motivation, and stay on task. This is one of my favorite teaching tips to share and is the heart of my productivity workshop.

On Being Wrong: Inclusion, Humility, Growth Mindset: Teaching Tip

On Being Wrong: Cultivating Inclusion, Humility, and a Growth Mindset

Office Hours: A Refresh Teaching Tip

"Office Hours": A Refresh

How to Know They Read the Syllabus: Teaching Tip

How to Know They Read the Syllabus: Quiz Questions and Beyond

Thrown into Learning: Experience Before Delivery Teaching Tip

Thrown into Learning: Experience Before Delivery

Five Ideas for Seeing the Syllabus with Fresh Eyes: Teaching Tip

Five Ideas for Seeing the Syllabus with Fresh Eyes

Reconsidering the Discussion Forum: Teaching Tip

Reconsidering the Discussion Forum: How to Revamp Forums, or Try a New Tool

Executive Function: Planning for Learning Success Teaching Tip

Executive Function: Planning for Learning Success

Including Student Voices in Course Design: Teaching Tip

Including Student Voices in Course Design

Transparency in Email and Other Student Communication: Teaching Tip

Transparency in Email Communication and Other Student Communication

Sharing Audio Name Pronunciation: Teaching Tip

Sharing Name Pronunciation with Multimedia LMS Profiles

Students Sign Up with Google Appointments: Teaching Tip

Students Sign Up with Google Appointments

Infusing Slides with Critical Thinking: Teaching Tip

Why We Might Want to Limit Our Reliance on Slides, or Use Them Differently

CETL Learning Tips List

Learning Tips Series

Leading up to the 2019 academic year, we began converting teaching tips to Learning Tips: brief guides to academic success. Faculty are encouraged to adapt Learning Tips to their own course context and then share them with their students. Learning Tips are written in collaboration with students and faculty.

Learning Tips Column in the Oakland Post

Starting in November 2019, I worked with our student newspaper, the Oakland Post, to share learning tips with students directly.

What to Do with the Syllabus (1/8/2020)

A Pomodoro for Procrastination (12/4/2019)

Avoiding Risky and Tricky Academic Situations (11/13/19)

Study a Little Bit, a Lot (11/20/19)