
These teaching and learning resources are designed to help learning happen wherever faculty are, whether they have five minutes waiting in line or an hour to think deeply. New additions to these resources and others on Facebook and Twitter.

The brain with different regions lit up by different colors. An image used in one of the Weekly Teaching Tips.

Weekly Teaching Tips Series

Every Monday, we share a brief teaching strategy written by faculty and staff at Oakland University and beyond. Google Doc format makes them easy to save, adapt, and share.

Snapshot into a teaching tip on active learning in large classes

Teaching and Learning Resource Collections

This growing collection of resource lists serves as a customizable professional development syllabus on teaching and learning topics, from quick reads, podcasts, and videos to journal articles and books.

Teaching and Learning YouTube Channel

Five-minute videos cover learning design basics, including a six-part series on universal design for learning (UDL). See the YouTube Channel.