Christina Moore, Ph.D

Teaching, Learning, Designing, Writing

I am a faculty developer researching how technology can increase access and opportunities for faculty and students. I focus on online collaboration, digital accessibility, Universal Design for Learning, inclusive practices, and online learning. I promote intentional technology use in line with our priorities and values. See my CV.

Instructional Design Project Tour

Since people have asked me about the campus-wide Diversity Challenge and other online learning spaces I have designed, I thought I'd finally pull back the curtain and show what I have been creating. Tours include Faculty Orientation Online, Universal Design for Learning videos, a 10-week Diversity Challenge, and customizable teaching and learning collections. Take the instructional design project tour.

For too long, mobile learning has intimidated instructors who consider it something reserved for the most tech-savvy and tech-adventurous. Mobile-mindful learning is much more about pedagogy and instructional design than being a tech-savvy app developer. By considering mobile learning in teaching choices, any instructor can be mobile-mindful in a way that vastly increases student access to learning. More on the Mobile-Mindful Teaching Book.

This study is for all of us who learn so much with and through faculty in online networks and communities of practice on Twitter.

To better understand the culture, norms, values, and other aspects of the Twitter-based teaching community of practice and learning networks, I conducted a digital ethnography by analyzing past Twitter activity, participating in and observing related online activity facilitated through Twitter, and interviewing faculty who have engaged in these communities or networks, with some attention and connection to #ungrading. More on #Ungrading: A Digital Ethnography.

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Talking about UDL Online on the ThinkUDL Podcast

June 9, 2020

Lillian Nave and I enjoyed a conversation on online learning communities, UDL-minded teaching resources for faculty, mobile learning and more. Listen to the ThinkUDL episode.

Podcast episode image with quote from Christina Moore: "We need to make sure that our classrooms are places that students can come as they are and be appreciated for the experiences and strengths that they bring."

Inclusive Practices through Digital Accessibility, on the Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast

January 23, 2020

Bonni Stachowiak invited me to speak on my favorite podcast about one of my favorite topics. View and listen to the episode and all of the nearly 300 episodes on teaching in higher ed.